
I mean we have a Black man leading the American military, the most powerful military in the history of the world. A Black man who orders the killing of innocent Muslims from his office every day.

Americans pop off about shit in other countries all the time. We have debates with one-off questions about how to “solve” Syria. And someone who’s not American can’t express their opinion about the American Empire and its cultural hegemony? Because they might not be a PhD in American Self-Importance? Fuck outta

Surrogates often say things candidates would never say themselves. That’s part of their purpose.

He’s a campaign strategist. Of course he wants to fight for every vote.

In 2008, many Clinton supporters said they wouldn’t vote for Obama in the general (before hashtags), and the party divide was much starker along racial and gender lines than it is now. I’m not worried, 95% of BernieOrBust will come around between June and November.

120,000 democrats in Brooklyn alone were removed from the rolls in the past four months, and most were people of color. But fuck them because Bernie sanders? This is racist voter suppression, get off your stupid high horse

Good on Grimes for calling out Jezebel and the rest of the outrage-driven media for focusing on victimized women while never showing how real women are fighting back. We need a narrative of survival and thriving in the face of violence and hate.

Basic sanitation prevents Ebola transmission, so it doesn’t spread here.

Yea like what did he say? “Oh I just brag about cheating to the news but I don’t actually cheat.” She believes that shit??? Even if it were true it’s almost worse

Normally I agree but he was the editor of Vogue...

He didn’t, but even if he did, he still lied less in the past year than Hillary did last week.

He didn’t front. He said you use a token... which he probably did the last time he rode the subway by himself.

Kids mimic the adults around them from a very young age. I’ve heard plenty of elementary school kids repeat adults’ racism and sexism. Its very sad.

He got a lenient sentence because Chinese people protested all over the city, and Ken Thompson figured he needed their vote more – he thinks he can throw Black people under the bus and still count on the Black vote.

I think you hit the nail on the head, especially because of this line:

0% chance, because we have a terrible elections system (which is another issue entirely). Its a protest vote. Like I said upthread, I live in a very blue state, so the Democratic nominee is getting those electors whether I like it or not. But voting is about more than who wins. Maybe it encourages more Bernie-style

I’m not voting for Cruz or Trump... I’m not voting for Clinton either.

“Privilege” is some ivory tower bullshit that pretends to be political. It doesn’t criticize anything because it doesn’t even name what its criticizing. I’m voting for the black people in prison because of Clinton I’s tough-on-crime crap. Are those not “actual lives”? I’m voting for the innocent children bombed by

I’m so tired of the fearmongering. I’m not voting for Clinton out of fear, which seems to be the only reason her supporters can muster. I live in a blue state anyways, so if there any chance of it being close, the she’s lost the election already. I’m voting third party.