Beckaroo Banzai

Haha! Good point!

Regarding point number 3, I really hope that’s not true. He’s a good dude, and IMO, adorable. That would be really shitty if they like each other and she turns him down for superficial reasons. :(

YESSSSS! I’m pretty sure he’s full of shit.

The Commenter: Beckaroo Banzai (Winterfell, Westeros)

OMG! This is the corniest thing I’ve ever seen! He can’t even snap on beat! WTF?!? Thanks for the laugh, I needed it! :)

100% in agreement, Tomi. Yoga chick’s the kind of person who would argue for hours about how she’s not racist because she has, like, 1 black “friend” and volunteers with “urban youth.”

Now playing

The “ghetto yoga” vid is back up. If you have not yet seen this abomination, here it is:

I think the real issue is that if we had adequate mental health care in the U.S., Ricky Ard would not have been in the situation. Additionally, not only do cops need to be trained to deescalate, they specifically need to be trained in how to handle & deescalate situations involving mentally ill people.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. I don’t know if you are trolling or what. I never said sexually active people are insecure. I said:

Christ Almighty! I don’t know how many times this needs to be said, but if you don’t do the shit she’s talking about, THEN SHE’S NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU!!! Stop playing the victim!

Ugh. The Daily Mail is trash. And, apparently, so is L’Oreal.

Oh my God, Becky! Look at your sense of entitlement!

These people are so fucking ridiculous! Like, my name is actually Becky, and I thought it was hilarious (as well as insightful).

WOW. Not what I said AT ALL. I don’t think people with active sex lives are insecure. I think people who offer unsolicited judgments on other people’s sex lives (be they active sex lives or nonexistent sex lives) are often insecure. Please read what I actually wrote.

His facial hair looks like burnt toast with hole in it.

Yep. And in my opinion, it shouldn’t matter. She’s a grown ass woman. If she wants to be celibate for religious reasons, have at it. If she wants to be celibate because she’s asexual, that’s great. If she wants to have sex with 5 different people a day, get it girl. I don’t care how much or how little sex she’s having