
Yeah better they read about violent videogames instead.

Nah he doesnt play the game like I do so I dont consider this legit.

Way better

Those white devils! #killwhitey

Show us on the boglin where he touched you.

So it’s real? My god

Yeah it’s like Hitler or something! man

Well at least you contributed a shitty comment ! Now we all know you’re an idiot and to stay away from you.

It’s just a prank hoe!

im a plumber

preordering right now!

No, not really.

If they had gamers in mind they would have scrapped the touchpad and sent along a mouse instead.

Pause at at 1.57

Some people love creating a divide.It keeps the wheels turning and the page views up.

2017 is off to a great start already.

Tell me bout all the “ productive” things you did in life when you’re maggot food.

Everything is a waste of time, nothing is a waste of time.

Hopefully it’ll be more then his legs the next time.Hope he doesn’t pass on his genes before that unless he already has.