bearonthejob an article specifically about comparing high resolution displays (> 300 PPI) on small sized're mad because they didn't talk about how awesome a 1280 x 800 windows tablet is because it provides a desktop OS?

Yeah, that's what always drives me nuts about the deniers of climate change. They are too caught up in the argument-for-argument's-sake to realize it is irrelevant. It doesn't matter what the source of the change is - humans, volcanoes, natural cycles, aliens, cats, whatever - the issue is that it has a very possible

Article should be titled "How to build your own treehouse suicide machine".

I have an Xbox 360 in my living room, a HTPC in my living room (8TB of HD space, running XBMC mainly), and a gaming PC (GTX 660 + i7 4770k). I don't want something that's exclusively a gaming machine, I want something that can combine all of the things listed above, and add features that none of them have.

The reason this case has gone this far is because he is specifically being targeted/profiled as a gamer. The hysteria cultivated by the media against gamers is directly to blame for this. Sure, the things he said are distasteful, and he should be ordered to seek counseling about it. But because he is a gamer, and

He's a guy that made a bad statement, on a public forum - which he effectively retracted immediately with the "lol jk". This whole thing is absolutely insane to me. The bail, the jail time, even going to criminal court. They should have raided his house, found he had no threatening items (firearms, explosives, etc),

It's amazing how many short-sighted people completely disregard the XBone because all they really want is more of the same. I can appreciate what MS is trying to do, by driving the market to digital distribution and cloud computing.

They don't JUST want a media center, and they don't JUST want a game console. They want something that can do both, and still offers features nothing else can. Voice control and full integration with cable/netflix/HBO/ESPN/etc - that's what is alluring about it.

You nailed it Peter. This has been my exact thought process since the Xbox One was revealed a few weeks ago at the MS conference. People were joking "TV TV TV SPORTS TV", but really...that stuff was pretty interesting to me. Cable box integration with Kinect voice controls? Yes please.