Steve (Harrington) with the Good Hair

Yeah. I kept thinking how it was like debate in high school - the Dems were like the kids who took it seriously and showed up to the competition thoroughly researched and prepared, whereas the Republicans were like the douchebros who joined debate because they heard nerdy girls give it up easy and when it comes to

I’m not sure if it’s an Italian thing or just a weirdo thing but everyone in their families and neighborhood did it so I was just around it constantly. I’ve definitely heard of the silverware dropping/visitor connections though!

This is essentially the dynamic in my marriage. Mr. zombiepanda is a ranter, it’s fine. I just let him vomit words for a while, and then when he’s done, we talk it through. 

Yeah, we have to get over the “I’m just a clueless man; I don’t know what I’m doing” trope; particularly because these are the same people who also believe that only men are qualified to rule the world. They can’t be both. They can’t be helpless, clueless men, and/or men who can’t be expected to control their natural

“My name is Tommy Callaway, and I managed to have a long, intimate relationship with an adult woman and raise two little girls without ever once considering how fucked up it is to treat a woman’s body like public property. That proves what a good guy I am, right?”

“I was just goofin’ around herpa derp! I got kids and a wife derpa herp!”

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

“Tommy is a loving husband and father.”

Additionally, in a statement to CBS News, Callaway’s lawyer stated that he, “did not act with any criminal intentions” and that “Tommy is a loving husband and father.” Of course, how much he loves his wife and children is irrelevant to Callaway’s inability to keep his hands to himself. And besides, Bozarjian isn’t

Savannah Bridge Run entry fee: $25

So if I get a wife and kids I can assault people? That’s the defense?

My family (Italian-American) also participates in the Italian goodbye! Drove me crazy as a kid, now I just go directly to the car and wait. The worst is when they can’t remember which door they entered in BECAUSE YOU WILL ABSOLUTELY DIE IF YOU DO NOT LEAVE FROM THE SAME DOOR YOU CAME IN.

During the goodbyes is when all the good stuff comes out.

My guess at plot is that the evil genius guy is doing something where he gives people what they most desire (Chris Pine, Kristin Wiig becomes “cool”) but somehow that enables him to manipulate them or harness some kind of power. So I’m guessing she might lose him again when she defeats the bad guy.  Also maybe he just

a banana’s shelf life outside of a refrigerator is short

I would literally have died. What the hell is with people who vacation like this?

I love these campaign ads telling me not to vote for that guy because then I’ll have to wait a long time to see a doctor.

A friend of mine in the UK had to go to hospital and was SO weirded out when the hospital refused to bill him.

Brits should see what I paid for an ER visit, the price of my rosacea ointment if I was uninsured, and the bill I got just to see an allergist WITH insurance! The American healthcare system sucks, blows, and chokes!

I still get asked “when” I’m having another. My son is in high school and I’m in my 40s. If I had another, they’d turn around and judge me for being too old to have a kid and/or for the size of the age gap (I don't agree,  but can imagine where that would lead). My usual response is “when someone else carries, births,