
My main problem with the album is that.. it is just extremely dull. At least the bad songs from Born This Way where interesting and tried for something new.

I guess that is true, physical age =/= emotional age.

That is strange, because she also said that Amethyst was the "youngest" of the full gems. She also said she doesn't "need" to eat. I am now confused!

I will take it personally if you guy don't review this show. Don't hurt me AV club. I have already been through so much.

Chalk it up to budgetary reasons and the studio getting a hang of the designs and working for the show. Regular show and Adventure Time had some similarly rough looking animation in their first seasons.

I've been surprised with how much attitude she can pack into one line.

The show was also kind of ugly with and almost sickening color pallet. I am not saying that is bad but it really doesn't help people get new viewers. CN is actually known for it's down right beautiful and visually inventive animated shows.

My boyfriend made that observation too.


Actually, she is Estelle!

Yeah, what I really liked about the two episodes they aired was that they all seem to have the area they are comfortable in. Garnet is good in a dangerous situation, Pearl is good with emotional situations, Amethyst is the first to make risky choice which can be crucial in a tense situation, and Steven keeps them all

I've been listening to Ribs everyday since the the album came out. It is just a really catchy song that is pleasant and emotionally complex.  Ribs and Bastille's "The Silence" have made me really nostalgic and I don't know why! Is there a musical/lyrical term for that thing she does where she interjects a quick lyrics

You know, I never really got this… intense hatred of Miley Cyrus. This is coming from someone who would have to marathon Hannah Montana because he babysat and tutored a girl with downs syndrome who was obsessed with the show. I have seen the movie 5 times (and oh my god it is really really awful but not because of

That is implying that he has actually had sex!

Will this album help me get the horrible taste of The Weeknd out of my mouth? 

Oh lord, I'd love for Bill O Riley to personally tell my mom that. She had a core fracture when she was nearly killed when she was hit by a cop going over 90 MPH to try and stop a non-existant drug bust at a burger king. It took two years to diagnose and the surgery to correct didn't do a lot for her. She can't really

I got the joke. I knew who that was.

This sounds like an M83 song fronted by a young Annie Lennox. I like both things! Also, it sounds good.