
Sit comfortably in your seat until such time...

Yea, the catcher gave him the plate, he did go slightly out of his way. 99 times out of 100 (maybe less often) will a player sliding into home take the route on the inside of the baseline. Wish Rizzo would just own it, yea I tried to knock the ball out of his hands, loophole in the somewhat newly implemented rule. I

Damn! The last thing I want to see as a Dodgers fan is Bellinger to hit in the Home Run Derby. This is his first season up in the bigs, he needs to get some rest and start prepping for the 2nd half of the season, not participate in the HR Derby and putting his swing mechanics at risk.

It took me 56 minutes to survive 40 episodes. I can fly through the first 30-305 episodes at this point but I am going to call it a night on this thing.

I have never heard of Post Malone, so I went out to Spotify and I have a few notes/questions:

Put me in the camp that wanted to purchase an NES Classic but could never find one, and I have no intention on buying the Switch. I guess I will just have to build one myself, oh well.

I am surprised they didn’t pull the bit where they start ejecting us fat people with the claim that we needed to purchase 2 seats.

When is the airline at fault? Overbooking, overboarding, randomly selecting passengers to remove, not apologizing for the way the man was treated by airport security, etc. Seems to me like you are ready to give a free pass to the corporation as long as they weren’t the actual ones doing the ass kicking.

I can’t figure out if you are a United Airlines employee or maybe a High School principle, those are the only two types of people I have seen go apeshit over dress codes when nudity isn’t even involved.

What am I missing here, should the Press Secretary be asking reporters to turn off cameras in the first place?

I like this, I remember reading some articles about the lack of range Matt Kemp had in CF, not nearly as realtime.

LaVar Ball?? Is that you?

What the hell is your problem with Kirby Puckett’s physique? That was one beautiful man, and one hell of a ballplayer ;)

Glad I decided to watch the Dodgers game from earlier in the day than to watch this whistle-fest.

I am not really participating in this month’s challenge as I have been contributing to my 401K and getting my company’s maximum match for over a decade. I am going to set a personal goal to increase my 401K contribution by 1% this month.

When the March Money Challenge started I set a few goals:

I hear what you are saying, I even preached that myself for years, “the gospel is true, the people are imperfect”. Eventually I started looking deeper and deeper into what was being taught, the words that were being used, the answers that I wasn’t getting, and here I am, 8+ years without attending church and I am the

Sarcasm? I don’t think the argument is for him to be an amazing defender but maybe he should limit the number of times he just stands there while is defender strolls by him.

Long shot, but they could temporarily move to Utah, play in Rice Eccles Stadium (45,807 capacity), that could help build up a Utah fan base as the Raiders should quickly become one of 2 teams that the state would look to as a home team (Broncos being the other). My brothers and I are already discussing future plans

I can’t agree that the bunt or sac fly are among the most boring plays in baseball, I think seeing them used back-to-back in extra innings because of this proposed rule change would be though. I like watching a good bunt to move runners over. I think the sac fly can be one of the most exciting plays in baseball, the