
I watched that video, and if I was witnessing the “teabagging” that the article talks about, I am surprised anybody would ban it in a tournament. I will admit that I haven’t played any video games in many years but if I was rocking this in my basement with my friends, you better believe that virtual teabagging would

I don’t watch broadcast TV and I don’t listen to the radio, I will often reach the midterm elections without realizing they were coming up. I don’t see the harm in a post like this on lifehacker.

Am I the only one weirded out by the guy with his son, holding the phone if by some invisible handle in the animated gif up top?

I have noticed it before with Thai food, I would get my yellow curry, have the spice cranked up, and then I would sit back and take deep breathes in through my mouth, the feeling borders euphoria :)

I have a pair of Polaroid sunglasses frames, I absolutely love them,they have prescriptions lenses and I got them from my optician :)

When I entered the tech industry back in 2002, I had only ever worked with Windows. By the end of my first year working in the digital video space I had converted to Mac and I have never looked back. My last 4 home computers have been iMac or MacMini, my latest being a few years old now.

Sure this claw machine is for charity but you sure are going easy on a machine that can adjust the grip strength of the claw, under the hood, and guarantee a player loses. Skill long ago went out the window with these things.

I think that post game is where you see the true character of a team, it is like decisions in business, question assumptions and decisions but eventually you have to get on the same page. Sherman owning his belief but not throwing a fit and throwing coordinators under the bus in the post game seems like a sign of a

I am just here to check in on the Browns, I have some internet bragging to do at the end of the season. I am coming for you Stevie Knicks, my Deadspin comment justice will be swift and fierce, no mercy!

Just downloaded this extension based on your comment, so far I like what I am seeing

White male, pulled over 4 times in my life, 2 cops were dicks (1 ticketed me), 2 were cool (warnings), I never saw any of them reach for their gun.

Was there a football game last night? Hmmm... I guess those things happen so frequently now, who can keep track.

Favored or not, the Cubs had to be considered the underdogs because history told us as much. I assumed the Indians were going to win it.

Just think, they could have created a Kickstarter campaign and let the public name the stadium, they would have made more money and the logos would have been amazing.

I am no fan of Drumph but that wasn’t nearly as bad as I was expecting, his timing was close, his shouts sounded similar to many of the drunk fans in attendance, I give the performance a solid C-

I don’t understand why these teams running racist logos and team names are so opposed to making a change. Other teams change logos all the time, for marketing purposes, sell new merch, diehards by the new logo, all is well for the team owner. My guess is that we are straight up talking about egos here, the owner will

Looks like it is time for new leadership, you futbol fans are gonna love it...

I always thought it could be fun to have the ability to sub players in, but I would think you have to limit it to swapping in/out players one quarter at a time and once a quarter starts you would be locked in. That way when Arian Foster goes down in the first quarter, you could bench him and swap in another player for