Fusilli Jerry

Ah. The sticks and stones defense.

Imagine: episodes 1-3 stricken from canon, a new set made in their place, without the immaculate conception, without Jar Jar (or at least not a cartoon weird version), without Hayden, with a real decent into madness instead of a sheer drop. No more CGI Yoda. A better trilogy. I’d pay for that.

Man you’re a buzz kill.

There’s always next year! There’s plenty of Vikings disappointment left!

So good, so good.

This is the basis of my point, yes. Preferably bacon long johns, but I’ll settle for plain ol’ glazed.

Does it come with donuts? It should come with donuts.

Good. Now change his will, kill him, burn his assets, and completely dismantle Fox newnewss over a period of 10 years with it becoming more and more moderate and sensible as time goes on.

They should have gone for it on 4th and 1. That’s on the offense. I thought it before the kick, during the kick, now.

What is journalist? What is life? No one knows kidlet, no one knows.

The first is correct, the second was a typo. Phone comments... Your you’re is the same swype.

God you’re such a dbag. It’s like, you’re comment is mount dbag. Peak douche. Of mount douche. In the douche mountain range.

Come on man this guy is not good at written language it must be politics 1st grade all pro bull Shit I take it personal eagle life. [Below a photo of Whitworth]

Lol. Bye bitch!

Your opinion is bad. It’s bad. But it’s yours so more power to you.

“You’re saying more than 3/5 black athletes are graduating with a degree? That’s just too many.” -US, 1788

“That’s why we bring whips.” -Alabama, 1861

Funny, I would think him not getting convicted would be what trivialized the accusations.

Fact: that football player has boned more attractive women then you could ever hope to achieve.

It’s only cheap with insurance, otherwise that $5 cortisol shot would be $200.