
Listen he hasn’t raped in years now so he is a beacon of light for all about work ethic and morals........... I mean whaaaaaaa?

This shit show makes it easier for me to take a nice break to let out that pee I was holding for 2 hours to try and drown out the crap music in the other room. PS Lady Gaga has been the only good music in the superbowl the last few years. JT just danced and didnt sing, Beyonce lip synced and was out of breath when she

To be fair, with rhymes like “precision decision” you know this dude is chillin’ with Rev Jesse Jackson on the weekends.

Its called “Burping the QB” and though it is lame it is the rule.  It was explained many times later in the day.

Lauren, you win article of the year so far solely for using “Neat” in the title!

So this was a chest to chest hit and then their face masks bumped together. Still it was the right call but its was not nearly as bad as it looked live. Then he rolls around on the ground crying only to stand up and scream trying to look all tough. Cam Newton is one of the most overrated athletes out there. Yes he

What the hell are you talking about blaming Eli at all?  As soon as the ball was in his hands the D-Line was hitting him.  He could have an all madden team of players with this same O-Line and the outcome would be the same. I have never seen a worse O-Line and I live in Buffalo.  Your whole article is debunked after

To be fair.. ALL Deadspin writers outside of the boxing group suck at their jobs.. doesn’t matter what sex they are. Hopefully we can all sleep better now that we know that is out there. That being said, the dudes above are total idiots, but you probably shouldn’t have put their personal emails on blast like that and

Why are you not coming to Trumps or Kims defense here. Seems like you may be racist for focusing on just her.  Might as well resign now Giri.

He has always been a punk even back when he started on The Ultimate Fighter

It is not a holdout any longer, there is nothing to hold out for.  He either signs the contract and plays or he chooses to sit out the season. The hold out ended a while ago.

My God this is dumb. Yes the information may be inaccurate but sadly its the crappy anyone can be a journalist world that we live in these days that if its on the internet its true. He was posting anti Hitler saying he stands up for his right to own a handgun. It has nothing to do with anything but that, and to infer

I give this a B... Very clever but sadly Jenkins is so good it doesnt fit.  I will still give it a solid chuckle for the effort.

Listen, to still be posting this story is kind of stale, but if you are going to do it at least be accurate. Yes, having that many police there was overkill, but to say he did absolutely nothing wrong is moronic. Did you even watch the video, he refused to take his hands out of his pockets. Police or not, I dare you

Why is this still a thing? The catch did not fit the written description of what a catch was by the rules. Therefore it is not a catch. I think everyone agrees that if the rule didn’t exist it would be a catch, but the rule did exist at that time so no it was not a catch. Did you know there are real stories in sports

This is a great article bringing the talk back to the victim and the core issue at hand. Sadly, do you see the irony that this article of yours is blended into many many on this same site that speak only to Meyer, his car in the parking lot, what will happen to him, how it impacts the Meyer family, and how it impacts

A player coming from the outside, trying to recruit talent to a team that has been a disgrace is getting slack for trying to get players to step up and actually play. Shame on him for doing his job?!?! If you watch Hard Knocks, the team is constantly getting yelled at by coaches and new players for not hustling,

Did he win... Nope! In the immortal words of Reese Bobby... “If You Ain’t First You’re Last!”

Why would anyone want an abusive professional sexual assualtist’s autograph? I don’t gets all these new sports.

Sarah, Take a moment to sit there and read what you wrote and my response. Again instead of taking a moment to put together your thoughts and counter my opinion with an intelligent opinion of your own, you just spit hate. This is my point, people don’t take the time to think about other people its all about Me ME