
Make the owners and GMs serve 1/2 the penalty for the crimes their players commit.  I bet you they stop drafting these scumbags and the league cleans up.

also, way to instead of having an intelligent conversation or dialog just jump to attacking and swearing.

or you get up when they are reloading is you stop them?????  

Not at all. I am sick of all the shootings but I am sick of all the people doing nothing about it. If you have time to rip off 2-3 tweets about how scary something is then you have time to act and help people around you. All people care about is me me me these days.  If we worked as a community to help each other it

Why the hell are people tweeting. Call 911 on your damn phone or go do something about it. I am disgusted by the shooting yes, but while he is reloading attack him instead of tweeting about it. People are utterly useless these days. Put down your phone and save your life and those around you instead of thinking about

He was arrested for theft and assaulted women in college. He should have never been allowed in the NFL. Now he continues to assault women, is a bad QB whose coached roll their eyes about how dumb he is. He is just a freak athlete, that should be banned from the NFL, CFL and XFL if it ever comes up. Start somewhere and

Stop spewing information you don’t know and is not true. Yes this policy sucks and needs to be shut down, and yes Trump has the power but this policy is not his nor his administration. It was proposed under Clinton and passed under Bush. Seriously, if you are not going to report things accurately or even try then you

Anxiety is no joke, but of course he has it. He never knows when Lebron is going to fire him or let him coach.

How and Why? No one was telling him to leave, he wasn’t forcing his way in to the huddle, and no one was touched. This is a smart move by Green and the ref should not have come over to take him away. If the Pels are too dumb to notice an apposing player that is the largest one in a group of 4 people then they do not

Also, one of the best to play his position for an extremely long career.

He was asked to the ground and continued to walk away pulling the officers while now on to the ground, kicking up while on the ground which was a violent take down but the man was a former player who was resisting. Resisting means not doing what the cops are asking you and he was doing just that by refusing to go to

OK this sucks that all that time and money was wasted, but still student athletes are not allowed to use drugs, so finding him in possession of any should have him removed from the team.

How are you a staff writer if you just post articles from other websites? Staff Control/C + Control/V, Staff Copy & Paster? Look what I just wrote ... You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. hyperlink Michael Scott, hyperlink Wayne Gretzky

Dez should have got arrested then the cowboys would have given him a huge contract and extension!

MSU needs to have all sports stripped from the school for 10 years. This is ridiculous every major team has rapists on it, the coaches cover it up, the doctors rape, the school knowingly covers it up. All need to go to jail and the school needs to lose all sports. Set the example that if you stand for this your school

Kap had one good season (when people didnt know how to defend a mobile QB) and wasnt playing well and no one really wanted him before he took a knee. Before the knee people were talking how he wasnt going to last much longer in the league and teams should move on from him. Then this stuff about the kneeling (which I

I live in Buffalo and I call BS on this. Why do we keep letting athletes get away with everything. DNA tests cant be done on the blood soaked hallway? the video of a deranged Zay doesn’t lead to cause? I am going to go back and scream at my coaches for not investing in me to be a pro so I can get away with murder,

This isn’t basketball stop pretending it is. Neither team is the best if they don’t play defense. Deadspin is owned by Lebron by the looks of it. 10 articles a day about how great he is most of them highlighting his traveling and offensive fouls as great plays.

actual answer he takes steroids, cheats, and lies. Wow I wrote a better article and much shorter. I do like calling jerseys “playing knits” though and will be doing the same going forward.

I 100% agree there is a horrible separation out there on pay for those doing an equal job but I don’t think that’s the case here. How many years of experience and on air time is there compared from her and him. He started commentating in 1997 and with this tournament in 2004. She was still playing at that time and