
Remember when Al Gore said that the internal combustion engine is the greatest threat to the climate and everyone made fun of him? Well, he was right!

IAAL and you are correct. The accommodation for alcoholism is time off for treatment, not allowing people to come to work drunk.

FYI the reasonable accommodation for alcoholism or drug addiction is tiem off for treatment. As you noted, one is not allowed to come to work drunk.

“</what's German for pedant?>“

“The government truly owns all the land, we just rent it from them, for life, in the form of property taxes”

Math is hard!

The first letter is also G, ergo two G’s at the end makes three total

And are supported by consideration!

I love the “this is not tax advice” disclaimer that law firms include on all emails, even the ones that specifically contain tax advice

My paralegal is totally Not Hot, so I don’t have any problems

I used to hate brown rice as well, but now I make it with chicken broth instead of water and it’s much better

“Cleveland...would love a professional football team.”

Insurance lawyer turns out to be a good guy is a pretty big twist

He is talking about the value of the brand, not the company. Ferrari has a cachet that ExxonMobile does not.

Dude, these guys make peanuts compared to longshoremen. Wish I hadn’t wasted all that time finishing 8th grade.

Just so everyone knows, “unskilled labor” is a term of art—it doesn’t meant that these people have no skills.

Great point—cherry picked quotes from a man who was mayor of DC 16 years ago prove your case

“is everyone who is Republican a racist now?”

God, I hate Botetourt county cops

I may turn in my bar card after reading that. Hopefully I am less of an insufferable prick....