
I live in Memphis and used to eat at this restaurant until a friend of mine posted about her experience working there - they leave open breastmilk in the fridge, use expired products, essentially just microwave gardein patties and treat their employees like GARBAGE. They have been running wild on social media for a

From baby buttholes to tofurkey sausages, this whole article made me vaguely nauseated.

Shortly after the video made its way onto the internet last Friday, the club confirmed that all four players had been released

Why oh why did you cast him in a critical role JK Rowling, a role that will last over a decade...

Except she’s best friends with Kate The Wasp, another female comic who doesn’t do vulgar Amy Schumer type stuff. Except she’s a staunch supporter of a lot of important feminist causes. Except she is one to generally laugh at herself. Except her point about being smart with your comedy and not “like one of the boys” is

Yeah, but there’s a difference between that and, say, The Shallows, in which a shark has a whole whale to snack on, but continues to stalk 90-pound Blake Lively.

Is it a tongue? Great whites don’t have those. They have a basihyal, which is stuck to the floor of the mouth and thus can’t be flicked flirtatiously, or in this case, like an airbag.

So Mathers basically did this

What a beautiful fucking world we live in where She-Hulk has the potential to become a blockbuster film.

it works! i came up with Major Wedge :)

Unrelated, but I came up with a process of generating Gossip Girl names that I’m VERY proud of: for your first name, you pick the last name of a British prime minister and for your last name, you pick a salad. Thus: Blair Waldorf. (My Gossip Girl name would be Thatcher Cobb.)

You know, I don’t hate the idea of a Universal Dark Universe and bringing back these old titles that made them as a studio. I just wish that they really took advantage of the opportunity and made truly contemporary versions of these classics. Tap into the original themes and give them to directors who thrive on small

I’m just here for the avocado toast

This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.

That speech was so obviously written by some staffer and he didn’t give a shite at all, with him referring to his wife being an obvious sign of that.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

“I think he’s devoted to his country, and I’m amazed at his calmness and, as I said, his courtesy,”

Where are you getting that from? This post states he had manic depression and schizophrenia, and it appears his own mother described him as mentally disabled.

One thing that can ding your score is if you open a new card to get a great transfer deal, depending on your situation. One of the credit factors is age of credit history. When I got divorced, I had to open new credit cards and cancel my joint cards, so my length of credit was relatively short and every new card I