
The first tweet is from a twit calling himself 7th Panzer Division. We have moved beyond “no one is actually a Nazi” to “Nazi-ism is the most extreme fringe of the conservative spectrum” to “Nazis wear their Nazi uniforms to the White House sometimes and Nazis are freely intermixed with mainstream conservatives who

Absolutely not. Unreasonable positions include things like advocating genocide and white purity and all sorts of alt-right goals. Our grandparents flew across the world to blow away people for expressing and instituting fascist views, and rightfully so. Discourse is the tool that fascism uses to legitimize itself,

There is no room for reasoned debate with unreasonable positions. We don’t give Nazis a platform either because just by being able to be there they’re being validated. The constant white american cry “reasoned debate” has resonated across the history of this country. “Well why can’t you be reasonable and accept

Oh? Did they share the post with Jalopnik?

As a liberal, this looks no different to me than if an employee had circulated a memo postulating that black people were intellectually inferior and cited the “The Bell Curve”.

Incoming tidal wave of MRA pseudo-scientists in 3... 2... 1.

I am a POC dude who works in IT. From personal experience, having a diverse team is a huge plus and results in better performance.

“Oh from your resume I can see you previously worked at Google. Impressive! And, hrm, ‘The guy from that email that got his employer in the news for that racism and sexism thing.’...Oh... Uhm... We’ll let you know... Thanks for coming in. Next!?”

The only people afraid of diversity are those who want to reduce the pool of potential competitors so that their work isn’t compared to someone potentially more competent than they.

So, this comment reveals that you have no idea at all how academia works.

I want you to think about the many ways your question is stupid.

Ahh baby boomer, that explains everything.

So did I. And no it wasn’t.

“he does stuff with brains of oprhans but in a good way”

My boss’s husband got a grant from JK Rowling’s charity (he does stuff with brains of oprhans but in a good way.)

That walkway is monumentally stupid. A *lot* of people have difficulty walking on glass, because there is a short-circuit somewhere that makes the nuanced depth perception required to walk on it without falling down or stomping like a giant absolutely impossible. Additionally, the lack of edge and what looks to be

Oh, yeah, I remember reading something about that. Let’s see if I can find it right here. . .

She exercised her rights... quit bitching.

Lets all just passively accept this stuff. No biggie.

Like, would this have been ok if she wasn’t white? Or are you just annoyed at white people in general?

The point is, she shouldn’t have to produce her papers to prove she’s allowed to travel within the USA. She wasn’t abusive to the officers. They were doing their job, but was insisting that their orders were immoral. She’s allowed that right.