
Hmmm, I was in a situation in first year that wasn't confrontational like that, but I needed to leave, and it suuuuucked. My sympathies, my transfer eventually came through, hopefully yours will too. Is it possible for them to fill your room, and then you move off-campus?

My only advice to a younger person, and I

I imagine part of the key ingredient (after avoiding Sami and national history patterns) too is wearing it honestly... I'm not sure how a sweater could really be disrespected or worn as a joke (ugly sweater party?), but as long as its treated like a normal article of clothing I think it would be ok.

Wish I'd done some (good, worthwhile) internships. I have a friends that got big jobs right out of school because they interned like mad.

Donald Glover gave a great interview; he discussed an incident where he was performing at a stadium, and he asks a security guard for help seating his disabled parents, and they refuse him and then the police get involved and start screaming at him... just awful, like he was the performer!

* This all looks very what a 50 year old ad executive imagines Tumblr to look like.

"We don't serve thanksgiving to sore losers."

Aww shoot, good luck mate, I have no experience with the British system but I've heard the paperwork is awful. Visa systems are super nerve wracking, even being really careful, I accidentally made a slip up with my German visa that while not fatal got me yelled at by their foreign office. Best wishes on a speedy

I feel like while I agree with sentiment (especially considering historical legacy and even where we are in 2013), in practice what does it mean if a community isn't involved/collaborating in mainstream culture dialogue? Ideally a film does should be made which is sensitive in every way to both reality and present as

The budget for the film was 4 million Euros, and it had some big (foreign) names attached to it. It's small by Hollywood block-buster standards... but it's not shoestring either.

Do journalism students get an "MFA" award too? Yeah creative writers for sure... but journalism seems a bit farther from the "Fine Arts" realm of dance, painting, classical music, etc.

I'm just surprised. I know for example people who study art history instead of studio art get an MA or BA instead of an MFA or BFA.

Well actually...

Is it common in the UK to attach a headshot photo to applications? I know that happens in some places, and it freaks me out.

I'm in graduate school right now for fine arts in Europe... I did my BFA for 3 years a public school and then transferred to an NYC art school to finish my degree. My advice would be to talk to people in your prospective fields, for some things like graphic design and photography, internships can really make or break

As tragic as this is for her, I suppose she can take solace in knowing that she was so dangerous to the Russian state that they had to put her in lock-down and then send her to Siberia.

May I suggest you throw them through a loop and shout back:


(really make spit fly with those s's and 'ch' sounds)

Yeah, that's totally not gonna fly with the county prosecutor if she ever gets caught in a fight. :(

You're roommate is an idiot... maybe they're dealing with their own issues related to the break-in by venting that anger onto you. That break-in ended in almost the best possible way it could have... the robber was IN YOUR ROOM, and made up a lie to escape quickly without them getting violent. You have no idea if this

I had a college roommate like that, but instead of confronting him I just secretly sprayed his half of the bedroom with Febreeze. Never worked, I moved out early. :(

Hahaha- yeaaaah... Canadian shows will do that. Sorry eh.