Kirsty Wiggelsworth

Gen Xer here. To be honest I was put off by the fact that the whole thing seemed so staged and phony (and those tweets proved it definitely was). When Trent Reznor or Kurt Cobain smashed a guitar or a synthesizer, you could tell it was motivated by genuine emotion.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the greatest stage actor of our time...Larry!” 

Can I have Christmas lights outdoors? Clearly electricity is dangerous. Chevy Chase told me so.

I’m sorry, Candace Owens thinks she’s a thing because . . . someone subtweeted her?

God bless this baby’s soul.

Dolly is too classy to say, “What the fuck is it to you and why the fuck do you think you have the right to ask that?”

Did see the movie? The arms stretch to be about 50 feet long and the fingers branch out like tree limbs. This was not a representation of human hands. I DO APOLOGIZE for my choice of words though. People are entitled to their feelings. I’m sorry.

I’m just going to say it. I think people are looking for a reason to be offended. Silly.

There is so much wrong with this comment. 

I’m not familiar with Parker or The Wanted, but my dad died from a glioblastoma. They are in for some terrible times. I wish him and his wife strength and comfort. 

The tragedy is that he didn’t get to live to learn the important lesson here.

It's a damn sight better than twenty year olds wearing shit eating grins while they badly lipsync terrible hip-hop music.

This Barrera fella appears to be a pretrial officer according to this very article.

Wow, he got a a crisis actor to pretend to own a camera shop.

Because journalism is its own discipline that requires years of practice and study to get good at. People who can master multiple disciplines are rare, and by the time you’ve mastered one you may well be too old (for all practical purposes) to start a new one.

Another piece of evidence for how important the ACLU is.  Most of us wouldn’t have even thought about the 1st amendment implications here, but they’re pretty clearly correct that this is government sanctioning speech.

“I’m seeing PTSD symptoms of officers with highly diminished capacity to live and socialize, extraordinary rates of divorce, and alcohol dependency – just to cope,” he said in a statement. “It is an emotional crisis that cannot and should not continue.”

“And that might require you to give up something because I am not going to be erased.”

Same here - cyclist and I will kick the shit outta your quarter panel if you run up on me in a bike lane or across the hike/bike trail. I’m white and a woman though, so I’m sure Kombat Karen would just flip me the bird like everyone else. Glad she’s facing charges.