
This article is great troll bait. I can’t wait till people reply taking any part of it serious explaining why this person has no clue what they are talking about in relation to Game of Thrones.

fuck you

If you were raised properly, you would know that relying on false historical claims does not help any argument.

Soo...yea...not true. I hate the idea of slavery on multiple levels, but this is a straight up lie. When Europeans landed in Africa, they pretty much took advantage of a system that was already in place. Yes, we cranked it to 11 with little regard for anything but profit and efficiency as we are wont to do, but we

Wow. Your comment is just plain bad. Time to hang yourself.

Actually, the right to child support is with the kid. Either a guardian ad litem or the child itself at some point will be able to sue the mother for back child support.

In the end, the right to abortion will simply be the right to not have sex. Fathers are already held to that standard with courts telling fathers

Omfg. “Kink shamed”??? Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

Funds can’t save people from being pussies. Foot fetishes are nasty but feeling shame is a weakness money cant cure.

Damn, the Snowflake culture is spreading like herpes.

Grow some balls and deal with it. People will harass you, shame you and exploit you for your entire life and thats just the government. Learn coping skills, dont go snowflake.

Justice is pretty much by deffinition not inclusive. It sets limits and boundaries, then punishments for being outside them.

Yeah but then Kamitami gets called a 14-year-old by gaming journalists and assorted types. :) Maybe if people stopped with that bullshit, devs and artists would feel less shamed and forced to come up with some explanation.

I want the 8 seconds of my life you stole from me back.

Im cringing so hard rn.

IMO, the cringest smash player right here.

I mean, I agree in that there is almost no way Floyd loses, but there is also a reason people describe fights like this as a Puncher’s Chance, because one good punch landed by a knockout artist can negate style, talent, skill, etc. I’m 99% sure Floyd wins, but there is always a chance.

Yeah, damn those RPGs with sidequests, sidegames, and other stupid time wasters! I want an RPG that takes 2 hours to finish everything and has no post-game activities.

Yeah I didn’t think it would be possible to take her less seriously....then I watched the interview. I’m now curious if shes even played the game she’s talking about...haha

In an interview with media critic Anita Sarkeesian for Engadget

Discussing his team’s decision to make Emily Kaldwin playable (and fearsome), Smith cited Feminist Frequency’s tweet, saying he’d “take it to my grave.” Kaldwin’s dominant role would help promote “more plausible balance in the [Dishonored 2] world.”

Wait, how is the player encouraged to look up a skirt or push a woman against a wall and kill them? I’ve played through that game at least twice and don’t recall ever being encouraged to do those things.