Disgusting! Warning next time please:
Disgusting! Warning next time please:
No one ever does something like this for revenues, and the owners laugh.
"I fell on some ice and was later thawed out by your scientists. Now I set fire to my pile of green paper to keep warm. Your curvy leather-wrapped orb frightens and confuses me."
It really doesn't matter if the Japanese hits count or not, because unlike Pete Rose, Ichiro will be in the Hall of Fame.
OK, have fun alone in your imaginarium. Not sure if you're affecting change through comment boards but you're neglecting the hundreds of politicians that have made things like "stadium financing" equal to public welfare and safety and would claim they meet your standard.
It's not there, because the police and prosecutors are doing their jobs without anybody having to protest.
That's traveling.
The real tragedy here is the complete lack of originality
Haha- I get it! Because everyone in SF is gay! Good one!
Holy shit. This is absolutely terrible. I'm just hopeful that this is an isolated incident, otherwise every baseball player will be dead soon.
Nice trolling bro
I'm with you. All homosexual Russians have to do is leave behind their country, family, friends, and career and move to a foreign country. Seems like a pretty simple solution to me, not sure why people are so upset about this law.
It's not a sovereignty issue...it's a basic human rights issue.
Sweden (if they've got the proper facilities of course) or Canada again would be nice. :)
This is the same argument my redneck high school friends would make. "Durr, how can you be mad at racists. That's what they believe. That makes you the racist." Tolerant means letting people live their lives. You are totally free to question people who are socially backward and are beating and jailing people for no…
I'm sure Sweden and other western countries would welcome Russian homosexuals with open arms.
Hey, look, it's another person who doesn't know (nor care) where "the right to opinions" ends and "expecting to be rewarded for them" begins.
Yeah, who cares if mobs of Russian bros are running around the country pounding on gays. That's just Russian culture and everyone else should just stay in Key West. I assume Rand Paul will be firing you from his campaign within the week?
Russia has the right to pass whatever shitty, discriminatory laws they want. And us deviants have the right to speak out against their shitty, discriminatory laws.
I think we should be interested in caring because the more research the NFL does, the more parents will forbid their kids from playing football at all. Trading concussions for super bowls and millions of dollars is one thing, but for the 99.9% of high school and college athletes that don't make it to the NFL, is the…