Jay Ackroyd

Licensing. If the characters look different, you can say it’s another thing and sell it again. I read an article about the Hellboy Animated series, where they were sure to make the characters radically different so they could sell the toy-making rights to another toy company.

Doc Savage (the original series, not the comic books which never seem to last more than a year or two before cancellation). The original pulp series lagged badly during the war years when they tried to make the characters and plot more mature for the soldiers who might be reading them at the front. Long after the

My big problem with Supergirl (and all the super-family) is that they always use Heat vision last — AND IT ALWAYS WORKS! Why is Supergirl not using it first! Fly into room with blue computer chick - heat vision!!

That was truly bizarre. And then YouTube recommended the ‘live’ version to me. I managed to escape.

Well, that certainly is weird. Do they all have tails or is there a little uncleanliness happening here?

Carl Barks ran into trouble with Disney when he was doing paintings after he retired from doing comics. One fan ran prints of a painting Barks did and Disney rescinded his right to paint Disney ducks.

No Dancing?

Classic monsters and a fun group of adventurers. I could get into that.

Howdy Cowboy.

Too much to read these days, so i’m not surprised that I’ve only read 5 of the nominees. Of those, I only rated one story high enough to be considered ‘really good’.

I put my foot in my mouth a couple times this week - figuratively...

I’m guessing all the near future cars will all be electric?

Hmm. I wonder if we’ll be hearing how dangerous these things are after the first few traumatic brain injuries. How long did it take with Hoverboards?

They totally botched releasing the Tick. Disney got the rights and left out a cartoon on each of the season one AND season Season two DVD sets and then they didn’t release season three be cause sales didn’t justify it. (DINKS!)

I have always been a big fan of animation but went into illustration because - comics. But a good friend of mine DID go into animation and because of that, for my birthday I got a Totoro VHS tape in the mail. This was way back in the early nineties, and this was not a commercial tape, but a dub of the original version

Most of the famous voices in the early Disney cartoons were old time radio stars, so technically voice actors. Most of them segued into voice work or TV adaptions of their radio shows when TV killed the radio stars.

I just want to post a gif.

ANOTHER streaming service just to watch Star Trek is going to be overridden by the fact that a lot of people will just torrent it.

Hard to think of this as impressive sales when Archie comics could sell close to a half million copies back in the ‘60s. In 1966 the top 10 comics accounted for 5,666,575 copies according to ComicChron. And not a single Marvel title in the bunch. Times certainly have changed.