Baron von Blubba

Whenever my stomach attempts to get me drunk, I retaliate by trying to get him drunk too.

I’m also wondering what ancient Mayan, presumably after getting stoned with his friends, decided “I’m gonna try putting that in the other way”.

Wine piss sounds like a great time

Also, don't vape alcohol. It will get you almost lethally drunk extremely quickly, and like the alcohol enema, you won't be able to vomit it out to save yourself.

(state unknown, but let’s just say Florida). Brilliant.

Reading this while hungover was not a good idea. Partly for obvious queasy feeling reasons but mostly because I spent far to many seconds appalled/wondering how they got all those bottles of sherry to fit, some how forgetting the glorious turn of phrase “butt-chugging” that now realisation has set in I’m sure I will

All you need to know about Webber is contained in this paragraph:

First, people should stop making biopics about themselves.

The historical biopic genre is probably appealing because - as with the history itself - its a genre overwhelmingly dominated by straight white men. Queer people are told - subtly by the dominant culture, and probably quite literally by some terrible people - that they’re an aberration from normal sexuality. Art

This is just the latest attempt for knights and wenches, castellans and falconers, to invade your suburbs, bringing in crime with their violent duels for ladies’ honors and their spear joustings. Because of the moats they’ll build, your property values will sink. A lower class of rough-hewn mead-drunk peasant will

Good. The guy lives in a residential neighbourhood so why should all his neighbours have their views and local aesthetic spoilt by his weird expectations of just dumping a 2.5 story renaissance fayre prop in his garden.

Folks still like to hear the classics played.

/Spike Lee angrily Tweets Rose Byrne’s home address

I hope, among all the justified praise for Rigg in The Avengers and Game of Thrones, there will be some love for her turn as Vincent Price’s (too) devoted daughter in the marvelous 1973 horror film Theatre of Blood. It’s the blackest of black comedies, and Price and Rigg are clearly having a blast going OTT where

But not really that much money, some money. It is Blumhouse after all. 

Well, she’s 50 and I’m 43, so I have seven years to get myself looking that desirable.  Wish me luck.  

Yes, how dare they honor her passing with a perfectly normal picture of her happily smiling!

82 is a good long life but this still is another check mark in the “fuck 2020" tally.

‘Mrs Peel, we’re needed!’

....and that’s the man himself playing that classic synth line like a cool evening breeze. Gives me good chills every time.