Baron von Blubba

To give the devil their due, nexium really helped me with my acid reflux.

Another somewhat famous member of this cult is Nicki Clyne, who played Cally on Battlestar Galactica. She actually left the show because Raniere wanted her to stop being an actress. I’m surprised she wasn’t mentioned.

I distinctly remember one of the people at the nexium session I attended many, many years ago discussing how he had bought a BMW z3 as ‘the car that was going to make him happy.’ That should give you an idea of the white, upper middle class navel gazer ethos of that cult.

Futurama. I’ll take my winnings in slurm.

Damn it. All the best to Ms. Nichols, who deserves peace and respect in her twilight.

Ran into her in the Red Carpet Club in Denver many years ago. She was so kind and sweet to chat with. Absolutely a wonderful woman.

Well done! Gotta say though, I was hoping for a ‘synergy’ thrown in the mix.

“To bring Control to next generation consoles in any form, we had to make some difficult decisions and those came in the form of creating the simplified Control Ultimate Edition product plan we have today,” 505 Games wrote in its post. “We are sorry we couldn’t meet everyone’s expectations and we hope you will

I think the only clue she needs is the fact that she’s a successful and widely respected film maker. Any artist who makes a living doing their art their way is doing it right, even when some people don’t care for it.

Would you look at that...Marlon Wayans is still alive!

A generation-clash comedy about how we see relationships differently from our parents, and a funny celebration of the complications that bind modern families even as they tie us in crazy knots.

It’s Zeus, not Jesus.

Is it because most of them just feel as though editorial staffers realized they could skip the “writing” step of an article by shovel-feeding us 3-5 raw interview scripts shuffled together?

The Relic with Tom Sizemore?!? That movie is not worth your life!!!

I preemptively hate those people already.

I’ve been going to the movies since the age of six and the theatrical experience has been one of the most basic, joyful things in my life. I had the great fortune of going to college during the height of the film guild era and, for years, went to the movies two to three, sometimes four, nights a week. I love the

This was really fun to read, I just wish there’d been a question about Blunt Talk as I’m one of the seven people who watched and enjoyed that a great deal.

Jacki is absolutely amazing. I’m so glad she’s seen so much success in the past 10 years. She’s just incredible. 

~ The AV Club

thank god you’re here on this story about a child predator to critcize ... *checks notes* ... all Twitter users.