Baron von Blubba

Deadspin used to do some damn fine reporting on how this regime is trying to use its MMA scene to polish its image while also promoting some shitty masculinity culture. R.I.P. Deadspin.

When The Chin announced that he was retiring as Ash, my first thought instantly was “Time for Pablo and Kelly to step up and get shit done!”

The guys who did the comics? Come now, it’s not their fault this movie sucks!

I hear in the next one they kill of Kevin James’ wife and replace her with a previous one.

Check out ‘Detroit’, too. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow, and timely as fuck right now.

I grew up near Philly in the 70's, back when Rizzo was at his most powerful. It was pretty much known and understood that Rizzo let the police force assault black people. There was even jokes about it, like how the a black man was shot due to the police “firing at warning shot at his head.” It was how he kept winning

Leading the Resistance both in space and on Earth

I first saw that movie about a month before Boyega got cast in Star Wars. I could not have been happier.

Oh man, thanks for pulling up that quote. That one’s been ringing through my head for years since I first saw the movie. Really took it to the next level.

fucking king. 

Yes, bruv!

Dear Nobody,

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column that you have to be blind to enjoy reading!

We have such desk lamps to show you.

I love that the Bishop of that church came straight out and said the whole act was BS and that the president has only ever stepped into that Church once 

“For my next title, I will read the unedited version of Thomas Wolfe’s “O Lost.”  Your suffering will be legendary!”

Trump holding that bible in front of that church is so tone deaf, phony , and hypocritical thing about have seen in... well I was gonna say in a long time but this is Trump we are talking about 

“Shut the fuck up.”

I miss Deadspin.