Baron von Blubba

These have been good but why is everyone willing to talk to Josh Gad?

The set makes this look like it was shot entirely at Medieval Times.

People today usually forget what a revolution _Framed_ was.

Fascinating read. I love everything about the movie, top to bottom, and especially the darker moments.

I have daughters, 5 and 10. I don’t swear around them, and I don’t want them swearing either (or at least I want them to keep it to a minimum). Reading John Boyega post “I really fucking hate racists.” makes him seem like an even better role model (although honestly, I prefer them to find role models in the people

Those ads, that you are whinging about, helped provide for the article that you were privileged to read.

This absolute champion was diagnosed with what was essentially a death sentence in his early fifties, after fighting in the trenches and watching his community get ravaged by both the sickness and institutional bigotry, and lived another thirty years.

A hero who showed that politeness is futile in the face of discrimination and oppression. Aggression and confrontation is the only way to get things done when facing an intentionally ignored plague. Helped make me proud to be a faggot. 

Regardless, what shitty-ass advice. “Give up.”

Dear Nobody,

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The advice column for anyone of any gender interested in pegging! Especially inhabitants of Savage Nobody’s home world, which has 19 different genders!

The difference though is that Dick’s book (as great as it was) kind of had to be expanded for better or worse to be a bigger story.

It’s worth remembering that the Hannibal tv series was basically built on the basis of being a vaguely connected to the books series about events that were never seen before with a cast of a lot of new characters.

The Little Girl Who “Didn’t” Start the Fire

Related to/friends with someone with juice?

’Where the neon lights are pretty’ - the Broadway area?”
“Nah, that’s Midtown.”

At trivia once, I could not for the life of me remember Wilhelm’s name and I still haven’t gotten over it. RIP

“My name is Tanya.  One day, we will clean all the carpets!”