Deadspin not offering an opinion on this?
Deadspin not offering an opinion on this?
I get that Deadspin needs clicks so mentioning Greg Hardy and linking back to the “expose” is good business, but hoooooly shit let’s use some journalistic discretion about what is and is not a story.
Metamodern Sounds was too inconsistent for the mainstream, randomly mixing classic country on some tracks with rock on others with Sting Cheese Incident-esque experimental sounds on others. Other artists - like Robert Earl Keen or John Fullbright - are brilliant songwriters but don’t have the broad appeal of…
There are more variables than that, for example varying turf conditions.
You may be taking the analogy a little bit too literally. The issue is the NFL should not be obligated to decide when to enforce their rules and when not to, whether the rules seem arbitrary or not. Their issue isn’t with the “slippery slope” of uniform violations but with the “slippery slope” of setting a precedent…
Hard to feel any sympathy for Cameron Heyward (and not just because he’s a Steeler). Not that I have any love for the NFL front office, but rules are rules. The league clearly states what its uniform policy is and they’re enforcing it. It’s like getting a ticket for going just a couple miles an hour over the speed…
During rush hour in San Francisco, the city places parking officials at many of the busiest intersections (typically stop and go, bumper-to-bumper traffic). As people get stuck with their car too far forward at the leading edge of the intersections (past the white line indicating where to stop) or too far back at the…
Is this a real question? There are lots of ways! “The News” existed before the internet, you know...
The public may say it doesn’t want the horrible details; ratings, circulation, and traffic say the public is lying. The public may claim it values accuracy over speed, and that it is monstrous to contact witnesses this soon after a tragedy; the broad and voracious consumption of breaking reports, and the tendency to…
The question is general. The article is just an example. More and more often, Deadspin seems to be doing less and less real reporting. The narratives in Deadspin articles are increasingly Skip Bayless/Stephen A Smith type “takes” without the amount of research and hard facts you expect from a publication like…
Does Deadspin do retractions? Like let’s say ESPN comes out and says “publishing this article was a mistake and we should have doublechecked our sources” does Deadspin publish a retraction or apology along the same lines or does Deadspin just publish an article slamming ESPN for bad reporting?
Come on, Samer! This is much less important than rehashing Spygate. Important issues only please. This is Gawker, after all.
Barry.... Barry, Barry, Barry...
“That’s a fair reading if and only if you believe Brady was involved (or “generally aware”) of the deflation. I believe he was[...]”
STRONGLY disagree with the fans “[knowing] how to do it properly.” Mr. Skinny-Ron-Pearlman is drinking a Sprite. A SPRITE!!!
Tyson Rininger’s name is synonymous with incredible aviation imagery. For over 20 years his work has been seen on…
There are two parts to this answer and I’ll be as brief as possible:
You are in fact missing something here.
Vietnam as an example of a “win hearts and minds” type war where atrocities were not committed may not be the BEST choice...