
That’s how I feel as well. Only addition to what you said wrt people in established relationships: do ask for explicit consent when trying something new (like anal - you don’t just shove it in because you’ve had regular sex with this person for 2 years).

Honestly the only people who need to “hide” their Christianity are people who want to do something totally inappropriate with it, 90% of the time. Like organize prayer groups at their workplace (during office hours) or post the Ten Commandments inside a public school’s lobby or something.

Ugh. Spare me.

I call bullshit. I’ve since lost my faith (sorry, mom), but I too was once a Christian dating within “liberal urban circles.” And I never encountered any prejudice whatsoever.* Because it’s easy to be Christian in North America.

Dunno, this just seems like more “poor, persecuted Christian” claptrap. Christians are the majority in this country, not an oppressed fringe group. There are plenty of Christian dating groups. If you’re worried he won’t share or tolerate your beliefs, why not select guys who self-identify? And why keep it a secret at

Call me crazy, but I have a really hard time believing there is a Christian in the US who is being super judged by their friends just for being Christian. I have known Christians who say they feel they have to hide their Christianity and I internally roll my eyes at them and their “plight”.

In the expensively educated, ambitiously employed, liberal urban circles I’ve run in since graduating from prep school outside Washington, D.C., coming out as a Christian feels more fraught than coming out as gay.

But apologies don’t ever negate the harm done. They are meant to acknowledge that harm was in fact done, i.e. the impact of one’s actions. That’s why the “sorry you were offended” non-apology is such bullshit. It puts the origin of the harm on the victim, not on the actual perpetrator.

That’s OK, I think I’ve accidentally eaten tofu once while drunk.


LOOK, OK. SO. It was a bucks night, alright, and all they bought was ribs. And I was friggin trashed, cos thats really not my scene. And the ribs came with potatoes, and I was just dipping the potatoes in the rib sauce and juices oh god it was so good and i felt so sick the next day and I’ve never told anyone this,

And the ex-smokers all nod understandingly...

Imma blot my pizza till the world explodes. IDGAF.

Now playing

A series of thoughts currently flow through my mind . . .

“Fucks the bride and/or groom.”

Isn’t it weird how, if it were an adult who accidentally wore the wrong thing to work one time, 90% chance his or her boss wouldn’t make a big deal out of it because, hey, mistakes happen, no big deal. But if a kid grabs the wrong sweater before leaving for school and doesn’t notice til it’s too late? Major fear of

I feel the same way about my Naked 3 palette. How did I live without it?

Well, in one case a woman is choosing to wear a thing that makes her feel comfortable and supported, and in another case, a man is telling her she has to take it off. Does that make the distinction clearer?