
PS3 games actually are region-free.

The issue class-war has with RLSLightning's post is this line: "You're stuck with people that just simply operate on a different level than you." That line makes it pretty clear RLS thinks they're more intelligent than their coworkers, not just more educated. And, yeah, it's classist bullshit.

Really it should have it as an option, but enabling permadeath would also restrict you to one save (ideally a constantly updating autosave) that's deleted if you wipe. Roguelikes have been doing it that way since before I was born.


The image was made on a Mac in CS5.

Everything you've said is true. Corporations are machines; they, by design, don't give a fuck about anything but profit.

"I don't know what the big deal with Hamlet is, it's just one famous saying after another."

Depends where you are in America. Bloomberg has been building the "Ring of Steel" in NY, a camera surveillance system blanketing Lower Manhattan and the area around 14th Street (though there are plans to extend it all the way to Midtown.) The idea, in the city's own words, is that no one should ever be out of view of

Columbia IS Citadel Station!

Edit: Whoops.

Uh... I'm pretty sure things like diaper fetishes and preferred cigarette brands aren't genetically heritable.

This is silly. Cloves have been illegal in New York for a year or two. Bloomberg went a step further from the FDA and banned all flavored tobacco products (besides menthols). Don't mean you can't buy cloves in every other bodega on the block. Oh, and $12 cigarettes? Thanks, but places sell them untaxed for $6. Usually


I find the snark is a huge help. My #1 all-star moment, I was outside my store smoking a cigarette (and, thus, immobile) when this guy shuffling a deck of cards walks up to me.

Yeah... I thought the tone of and advice in the article were weird because it sounds more geared toward people traveling or on vacation than people who actually ride trains/buses daily.

I lived on an above-ground line (J train) for a few years, and honestly the phones never bothered me. Never nearly as bad as crowds having conversations, "crowd" usually being three or more teenagers (get off my lawn!) or tourists.

Seconded the shoulder-checking, plus a snarled, "Gotta fucking let us off first."

I visited Austin (from NY) and observed the same thing! It was... weird, at first. People would try to talk to me on the buses and I'd just give them this look like, "Why are you talking to me?" I felt kind of bad after I realized they weren't creeps and that was a normal thing down there. A bus driver actually let me

Oh hell no. Just cut them off and keep walking. I worked near Union Square a while back and got that every other day. Now, my mind starts thinking up snarky comments a block away when I see someone with a colorful T-shirt and a clipboard.

Non-stars can still post in Groupthink, but there's no "view all posts" button now, so there's no way for anyone to see threads started by non-stars. The "view all" button still exists on articles though, so it seems like an oversight, not a deliberate change. I emailed about it, and I'll post if/when