
Don't mind me, just testing something w/r/t Jez bugs...

Couldn't resist.

@SteggysaurusRex: I know, they were really nice! I'd always mentally lumped Jalopnik in the same category as Giz/Deadspin and I totally won't anymore.

@meritxell: an erotic life: Fuck Reagan. Fuck him with a rake. I took macroeconomics just to be able to explain intelligently why he didn't know the first damn thing about economics. Pic is national debt per capita adjusted for inflation. Fuck Reagan.

@tesa: I'm wearing PJ bottoms and a hoodie, eating Spongebob Mac & Cheese straight out the saucepan. Right now, this constitutes a boring Monday night. But, one day, it will be fabulous. I can't wait.

@Pigasus: I'd like to preface this by saying I don't agree with the hostility some commenters are showing you, and judging by this photographer's stream, I don't think he's an artist, just a guy with a camera. But I do want to dispute a couple of your points.

@imaeffinginger: Could write a new article, "Why This is the Worst Comment in Jezebel's History."

@RaisinGirl sucks so you don't have to: When I saw it, I thought Beth did it herself (maybe I'm kind of slow), but when the "Nina stabbed herself with the glass" thing went down, I figured Nina stabbed Beth. But thinking about it now, I don't think it happened. It was probably just in Nina's head, metaphor for her

@Snarfblat: I posted before seeing any of your replies. If he's constantly denigrating you, you should say something. Obv I don't know him, but if you told him how you felt with him putting you down all the time, he'd knock it off if he gave a shit at all. If you bring it up and he still doesn't care, though, fuck

@Snarfblat: Honestly I'd just avoid talking about that stuff with him if he's going to be a humongous dick about it. But if you want to try to fight back...

Discussing what it's like being renowned literary figures?

@NellMood: Pregnant women could park their carriages anywhere, as long as their unborn child voted for Boss Tweed.

@kansasgirl: "And I really can't believe that people are going to use the 'sluts who can't keep the legs closed' argument against free parking."

@NellMood: But 100% hilarious is the comment about how "this wasn't needed for over 200 years." I agree. To be honest, I see no reason to revise our 200 year-old automobile parking laws.

@GlitteryUnicorn: Haaa. I had to do some convincing on that too. She drove down, and it took me like ten minutes of, "No, seriously, it's fine," to get her on the train. Although we did have this exchange...

I don't really have to clean/hide anything in my home. My parents know I smoke (both) and drink, have sex, etc. Other than pretending I'm going great in school, swimming in cash, happy all the time, it's fine.

@weirdette: Our state Senate circa 2008. This is why we can't have nice things. Sometimes I wish the city could just secede.

@kittyclaws: Forgive my ignorance, but... no buses? I know LA doesn't have subways, but I always thought because of that it'd have the best bus system ever, considering its population (although from your post I gather that isn't true).

@hellosunshine: "His other best girl friend, who doesn't like me much..."