
@elle_est_sarcastique: Np! It really is awesome. I'd been telling myself I couldn't do math for like... ten years. But fuck that. It's all teachers and mindset. This site made me so happy, and I want to shaaare.

@budholly101: Np! Srsly it was like a revelation for me.

@Oddly Hepburn: Only advice I can offer is keep learning. And this isn't from personal experience, really, but linguistics.

@bananafishtoday: So my friend just told me about Khan Academy a couple weeks ago, and let me just say, it is awesome. Basically, hundreds of Youtube videos by a dude w/ a mic using MS Paint as a blackboard. He's seriously an amazing teacher and super enthusiastic about everything. I'd been trying to teach myself math

Jezzies who want to learn math/science! Khan Academy. Check it. Math starting from basic arithmetic all the way up to differential equations and linear algebra, plus bio, physics, organic chem, etc. Bill Gates said he's watching these vids and learning calc with his kids!

I have miso paste and dashi stock. But my tofu went bad and I have no onions. Thinking about using the noodles from some instant ramen and making... instant miso ramen? I don't even know what. But it feels like science.

@pasta_batman: Yes! Also, I immediately thought of radium eyes when I saw this article.

These accusations lack merit. This whole FBI investigation is nothing but a witch hunt.

My roommate walked in while I was making this and she gave me the weirdest look ever.

I don't know if it's my circle of friends (young, vaguely fashionable, North Brooklyn, [avoiding the H-word...]) but whiskey is the default liquor for either sex. Plenty of people I know prefer beer or wine, but everyone is willing and quite happy to drink whiskey straight or save some cash with the ubiquitous $5

@go out and love someone: Won't he get out tomorrow anyway? Certain, uh, experiences make me say he'll just sit in central booking tonight and get released by tomorrow afternoon.

@BearDownCBears: Yes, yes, 100x yes. Suburbs are aberrations that were built at the behest of auto manufacturers. Expand the urban centers, build subways in cities where they don't exist and expand the lines where they do, build apartments until supply and demand makes them affordable, and link the cities by

@BeetsGoOn: @leahbobeah: I tried to explain how bad that is, but she didn't get it, and honestly thought it was like, the nicest compliment ever. Compared to my grandfather, who was openly racist and used to brag about firebombing Tokyo, though...

@vamusical: Well, like they say, fifteenth time's the charm.

Had my iPod on shuffle, Wu-Tang came up. Sister: "So you moved to New York and now you're black or something?"

@TheyCallMeSwamper: It's a prestige item. Quality can only go so far (e.g. a $300 bag will be far nicer than a $30 bag, but a $3000 bag can't possibly be that much nicer than a $300 bag). A bag that costs $50k has a purpose the Target bag doesn't: it tells people you can afford a $50k bag. Economics says demand drops

@sabranee1: Pushing to get DOMA repealed would be a much better strategy in the long term fight for gay marriage vs. pushing for it to be declared unconstitutional, imo. From what I read about current attempts to move through the court system, it could get really, really dicey.

@mrsryan: Another gem from the book "101 Ways to Say 'I'm Sorry That You Were Offended.'"