Old white guy

Al is a con man, a troublemaker, always looking for a score.

Who? For what? Man, talk about off topic...

But I thought the purple doll was the gay one. Or is that just teletubbies?

Oh, by the way, Mr. Cummings represents more than just west baltimore. And he happens to be my representative! 

Hey, Donald Trump, maybe you should come and visit some of these states you find so distressing (even if they didn’t vote for you). I’m not sure why you, all of a sudden, are caring about Baltimore, let alone Maryland, as you’ve never actually visited the state for any reason that wasn’t a military installation or a

The Democrats always play the Race Card, when in fact they have done so little for our Nation’s great African American people. Now, lowest unemployment in U.S. history, and only getting better. Elijah Cummings has failed badly!

Donald, if you don’t like the entirety of this country that you are supposed to be leading, why don’t you just go back to Germany and grift over there.

Michelle supposedly had help from a ghost writer. Although I feel more confident that said ghostwriter was more editor and massager than just Michelle talking a lot and someone having to put it all into some semblance of, well, coherent thought.

Buying books is all that is important (not even the before release publicity is as important). It don’t matter if everyone is talking about your book if no one is buying it. 

So, before it was just white mass shooters that were caused by psychiatric problems. Now they be trying to explain away other white crimes.

And without denigrating a portion of the public, this country, or other countries while doing it.  

I’m sorry, but no shit that this was THIS year? I thought last summer. God, trump makes the time go so slowly...

No, with his vast experience with dealing with native Americans, I think interior is the perfect fit. 

Dumbass obviously does not realize he is president of the entire f’ing country, which includes mr. Cummings district in Baltimore. He’s literally belitttling his own country.

What’s up you scumbag black racist piece of dogshit. You belong in Africa motherfuker as a slave under black slave owners.

I found it amusing that you are an adult. The article read like a 8th grader wrote it. Obscenities, generalizations tweets.

I’ve also wondered why white people didn’t volunteeer to be slaves. I mean, I keep hearing how well slaves were treated, and how a lot of white people at that time had it worse than slaves, who were cared for, protected, housed, and fed, all in exchange for some labor.  

I still can’t wrap my head around how simple minded so many people must be to actually put any credence into the whole Q thing. It really just demonstrates how badly they can’t deal with reality so they just make stuff up in their own minds to satisfy their need to believe, for example, that Donald trump isn’t a

And that isn’t the law. For if it were far fewer people would be in jail right now.  

Oh please, they hate gays in general, it isn’t just gay marriage.