500 pounds. Reinforced steel. Bulletproof.That will be the new historical marker for Emmett Till.
500 pounds. Reinforced steel. Bulletproof.That will be the new historical marker for Emmett Till.
Where’s all the outrage from the southern heritage folks who complain history of civil war memorials and whine when someone puts googly eyes on one of them...
Representatives are supposed to be representing their districts, not holed up with their stupidly named non-existent group (there is no actual ‘squad’, at least I hope there’s not).
Why are you wasting time reading comments on twitter? I can’t imagine any of the people in congress do. It just ain’t worth it. Might as well read the greys...
The people at the top don’t control everything about the department of justice.
In 50 years we will be still stalking about this “crime of the century”.
And how come it’s the black civilian, vs the cops, who are front and center on accountability?
But it still gets into the realm of “the police had their feelings hurt with the dropping of charges and are mad about it”.
There we go, another white guy playing the race card...
Here’s something I never thought I’d live to see:
But whatever. “My Heart will Go On” from Titanic was great!
I’m just curious. I’ve seen two articles on the Root today about this Bette woman, and in both her last name fluctuates between “Midler” and “Middler”. Is there a reason besides “man, I can never remember how to spell her damn name!” or “Damn auto-correct keeps changing it on me!”?
Oh, hell no! I’d eat at Chipotle before I did that.
OK, I admit it, I didn’t watch the video. I really don’t need to see grandma saying the n-word AGAIN. Thirty years we’ve tried to get her to at least call them negroes (We tried once with ‘schwartze’, but she said it made her sound too jewy). But when grandma gets upset, the words just flow.
I don’t really need any more evidence.
I am always astounded seeing an event and watching so many people in the audience/crowd looking at it through their phone (I’m assuming to make sure they’re getting the corrrect shot) VS just watching it.
Technically, based on the man’s argument, since slavery isn’t racist, then saying the ‘n-word’ (with the a or hard ‘r’) isn’t racist, as it was just referring to slaves.
‘I’m sorry, I need to check your bag. I was told that he gave it to you, and you put it in your bag.’
You know those folks still think they stole something. Probably just sitting in their homes going “If only I stripped searched them, I would have found the shirt.”
I swear he’s stating that slavery is a valid system as long as it’s not done based on one’s thought of being superior to another. So, if you agree Horn is an equal, you should then be able to enslave him (though you wouldn’t get any work out of his sniveling ass).