Hey, this means that the civil war was really about economic anxiety!
Hey, this means that the civil war was really about economic anxiety!
Average slave trader: “Damn, this is all you got? You got any white slaves? No, huh. Just blacks. Ok. I’ll take six, but I’m not happy about it.”
The idea that Americans hated Africans enough to enslave them is repugnant.
But why would people who live in these communities all of a sudden go “Oh, wait, Ihlan Omar said this was bad at this conference. Well, that’s changed my mind!”?
As I always state, I expect every muslim to enter a room and immediately denounce every act a sub-set of muslims do or have done. I don’t care what it is, and I don’t care how many times they have done it. It isn’t enough.
Republican: “So, Mr. Mueller. How would you describe the - garbled speech - hunt into the president?”
“Mueller was asked whether or not the investigation was impeded in any way, and he said no.” In other words, there was NO OBSTRUCTION.
“Melania, put together in a much more put-together way,” McElvoy continued, “I think [she] very consciously wanted to see herself as an ambassador...of transatlantic fashion. I mean, do you value that? Or would you rather just stay away from the Trumps?” she pointedly asked Wintour.
From the CNN article:
I don’t see anywhere in the articles that state the men are in custody, just that they’re being searched for.
his incident also involved an NYPD police officer hit in the head with a water bucket.
How is the police upset over this? This is their move. Person turns their back on several ‘armed’ men, that’s cause to ‘shoot’ the person in the back, multiple times. It’s how the cops roll.
“Any cop who thinks that that’s all right, that they can walk away from something like that, maybe should reconsider whether or not this is the profession for them,” he said to applause. “We don’t take that.”
Damn straight. They should have gone to their car, grabbed their own bucket of water, and went after these dudes!
So, has anyone asked why, on the foreign collusion part, did mueller state they couldn’t find intent, and therefore could not claim collusion, even though the law congress passed in the 80 about foreigners and election specifically stated not was not required for proof?
We the FBI don’t investigate the ideology, no matter how repugnant.
“I’m shocked, shocked, I say, that the police would investigate people who are going to front of a police review board!”
Is there a category for best old town road remix?
Every scheduled flight is a precious gift from god and should be allowed to be completed, unless it is a danger to a politician.
You know the same first responders your fucking GOP had to be shamed into helping.