
I’d think the various cultures involved would find being lumped together across multiple billions of people and close to 50 countries a bit reductive.

I mean, honestly no. Nothing about his clothing points to anything other than “Boy Scout”. His voice is “generic kid voice”, no trace of accent. His facial design looks like most other kid animation faces. 

He could contract boneitis. 

To compensate, Mister Freeze now smokes Kools. 

Eh, its more of a Shelbyville idea, anyway.

My local CVS can’t even keep it’s vacuum tube running from the pharmacy window to the drive-thru, so I’m even dubious about this even being viable for freight.

Can’t they just get whoever played Flexo to voice Bender?

Even harder to believe it needs a new restaurant and comedy club.

America needs the wit and wisdom of Jay Sherman “The Critic” now more than ever.  So let’s revive that short-lived classic instead.

If Tilda Swinton were to star in this, it would set up a perfect Bojack Horseman joke.

It directed me to that banana video, so absolutely 100% yes it is warranted.

My interest in this moon film is waning.

He’s unable to support his kids because he won’t get a job. He’s still a piece of shit even though he has feelings.

TV 101. There's Always fresh cement in the drum when a body needs hiding.

I sorta can’t believe that they didn’t take the occasion of David Ortiz being elected to the Hall of Fame to trot out Keenan’s Big Papi character. You coulda brought Manning in next week. I don’t know why, but Keenan’s Ortiz never fails to crack me up.

It took me a few tries to hack through that dense thicket of subordinate clauses, but I think Perkins is saying that Manning was okay for a jock host, and that sketch is an example of why.

I used to be all about flipping people off if they tailgated me or cut me off, etc. Now I just let things roll because in the last 30-ish years since I got my license road rage has gone from getting the bird back at you to this kind of shit. Ain’t worth it. Let the other idiot think they win - at least you can walk

He looked like a total badass. The control of his weapon points to adequate training. Glad he’s armed and spraying our highways for justice.

Too soon!

They did it, those crazy bastards actually did it....