
Now I have to wonder if it was really Stephen Furst all along.

I was kind of expecting him to be here too.

Yes. It's not really impossible for some new form of the show to exist and it might be just as good. It's just that the original cast chemistry was gone at that point, and Furst underlines it even more. Even if they wanted to bring Londo back in something at this point, it's hard to imagine him without Vir.

To quote the show:

Fantastic choice. I sometimes forget how absolutely powerful this show could be at its best.

If we are going to have thread involving death and Vir, it would be remiss not post this scene from Babylon 5.

They had a plan, one might say.

I also like that even after turning on the Shadows, Londo never really got to come back and be buddies with the good guys again. A softer show would have had him and Garibaldi become friends again, Londo could never fully atone for what he did.

No boobies. It was PG. Granted, that wasn't a guarantee of no boobies at the time, but I clearly remember it being something you could safely watch with parents in the room.

Also one of the reasons that B5 deserves more credit as a big step forward in serialized television.

Actually @cpbananas:disqus was.

Good point. Londo and G'Kar have the flashier character arcs veering between dark and light, but Vir go so far without ever letting go of his decency.

I don't know if it holds up, but I enjoyed that quite a lot as a teenager when I saw that in the theater. That is a hell of a comedy cast in retrospect.

Glad to hear it. They are both very much their own thing, despite some similarities, so its a pointless battle.

You want to be very careful about opening a discussion about similarities between B5 and DS9.

Andreas Katsulas was the one that hit me the hardest. Not that this doesn't make me sad, but once Katsulas was dead, you had already lost enough of the cast that there was no point in ever trying to revive the show again in any form.

I was lucky with my group back in school because every ran games. Some of us were better at than others, but we all took a shot at it regularly. It meant there was no Cult of the Gamemaster with us. It took a lot of pressure off as well. We all had at least GMing fuckup under our belt in front of the group, so we

Ah, the illusion of choice. I try to avoid that as much as possible, at least on big decisions like that. I can't say I have never done it though.

This network may be doomed, but at least it is giving a lot of comedians I like paychecks for a year or two. As doomed corporate projects go, this one isn't too bad.

It's kind of like when people think of Saturday Night Fever as that campy disco dancing movie.