
"Well, I thought I would come out and say this so the Missus gets off my damn back."

See, that is too easy. Spielberg is just respected enough to be worth points, but not enough to be above criticism. Bay is in the beneath contempt category. No points for that low-hanging fruit.

Putting the quote of Banks talking about "the honor and privilege of directing" right before that makes it clear to me that Hughes was indeed acting deliberately.

I had the same problem with D&D 3.5. It's elegant how everything in the system interacts to form a cohesive whole, but as a GM, I want to be able to pull parts out and possibly put other parts in. You can't do that without all kinds of messy cascade effects.

Scorsese has more critical cred than Spielberg, who is often looked down on as a crowd pleaser. Spielberg is an easier target.

Dee Wallace is fantastic in E.T. as well. Sure it is a "mom role", but she such a wonderfully drawn character.

I agree completely. It's really more a case of I don't like using them when I GM. One of best and oldest friends is a fantastic GM, and he always runs Savage Worlds with minis and it works great.

Are you still taking bets on five years ago?

I'm comfortable in my ignorance in this case.

This sounds a little specific, Reginald.

He objects to other people being topless more often than he is.

Did the paladin also think that the brown cows made chocolate milk?

That's fine. I still have my Alpha Dawn and Knight Hawks boxed sets too. I think I even have the notorious Zebulon's Guide in there too.

That reminds me of the arbitrary names they came up with class levels in D&D. The Thief had:

Maybe we could have a play-by-forum game going, but also arrange video chat games (via Hangout or Skype) when people have time for it. Some pickup one-off games for starters, and see where it leads.

I tried playing that in 1983 when a friend ran it. It was my second ever RPG after D&D, and I was excited to try something new.

SWSE is slightly smoother version of D&D 3.5, but 3.5 is the heaviest version of D&D there it, so that isn't saying much. It's a really tough system on the GM.

Upvoted for Delta Green.

Stars Without Number is great, but I think that was me that recommended it to you in the first place, so I am probably repeating myself there. Glad to hear you dug it.

Call of Cthulhu is fantastic. Sorry to hear you haven't been able to get a game going. I'm probably running a game of Delta Green next year, after my current D&D game wraps up.