
The box she calls is the same one that Bad Dale calls when he sets of the craziness in the prison.

Begging is a proud free-enterprise endeavor conducted purely in the private sector. It only becomes bad when you get the government involved.

The "two gangs" that are confusing O'Neal seem pretty clear to me as well. The guys that were waiting to shoot Coop when he first left the house have been shown to be working for a woman that called the box in Buenos Aires. Seems clear that she is working for Bad Dale, who hired her to kill Good Dale. The other gang

I'd rather die than give this comment an upvote.

That's great! I work with a non-profit art education association. It always makes me happy to see people helping others get into the arts.

"…only Gilligan was ready to get to work on a Breaking Bad-themed VR experience, recognizing right away that you’re a total pansy who probably won’t even sacrifice your family.."

It was weird because the closing mention of the restaurant seemed to hint at wanting to do a sequel, but they also were trying to wrap everything up to an extent that undermined the chaos of the setting.

I like the TV show fine, but I think the cast only does an adequate job with doing comedy. That's the real problem.

And they screwed up the characterization as a not particularly funny GWB joke that is only less funny as it gets older.

It's also annoying that his repeated attempts earlier in the season to hide that he can regenerate where so Bill would believe he really would die forever in the lab. The Doctor's actions have no sensible motivation and only existed to set up a poor decision by Bill.

25%? That's crazy! Can't people see the whole theory ties together as one cohesive truth!?

Good point. That does get to the heart of the problem.

Somehow, despite having cable all through the '80s, I have never seen that. I have to leave judgement to others on that one.

That is cool! American Gods did something similar in the first episode.

Actually, the name came back to me, I was thinking of Coulton as the terrible person in question. Now you've mentioned Richard Hatch, he seems just as likely.

"but after seeing it/refusing to see it out of some stupid principle, most of us moved on with our lives."

At least it is so bad it is kind of impressive. Doctor Detroit just sucks.

A movie franchise having two movies in a row with a protagonist of the same gender is unprecedented!

I was going more the angle that they seem to be the same people that got upset that The Empire was clearly meant to make fun of the Trump Administration. I assume time-travel was involved.

What part do you doubt?