
-The A.V. Club

My roommate in college was one of those. Endless lectures about feminism. I guess he was really serious about women standing up for themselves as he completely distanced himself from the 16-year-old that he got pregnant.

As long as they aren't in movie theaters, I am fine with that.


I was irritated for a moment that I had forgotten that guys name, but then I realized I am entirely fine with it.

I'd always assumed CNH was a dude, but this does prove otherwise.

Indoor drive-in! Awesome!

I'm pretty sure most of the people mad about this screening were mad about Rogue One as well.

It's going to get really complicated if this goes to court and the Alamo Drafthouse has to fight to overturn discrimination laws because a Wonder Woman movie. I think I am just going to bed for the rest of the day.

I found the lecture about humanity a little odd. It was part of the plan he made with Missy that the events with the Monks would be erased, so it isn't wasn't a case of humanity being at fault for having forgotten. It was a process that was done to them.

Ah, that peculiar dialect unique to anti-vivisectionists. I'll wager you I can teach one of them to speak the Queen's English in a mere fortnight!

Remember when riots took five years to really get going? Pepperidge Farms remembers.

It was already looking shakier last week. Part of the story of Extremis was how the people inside the simulation managed to undermine it by killing themselves. On the night Bill has her date in the simulation, we are already at point where Extremis has gotten loose on the INternet and the scientists and politicians

Well, maybe you invented it, but I guess if it makes the episode better, you can hang on to the lie and take power from it, just like Bill with her mum.

I guess it is possible, but that I just rewatched the Doctor's sechl during that scene, and he doesn't say that. That would be an interesting way to approach it.

I would have liked it if the show had at least addressed the fact that most of Bill's "memories" of her mom are just as fictional as the lie she is replacing. The show seems to be almost deliberately brushing past the most interesting things that it suggests.

I'm also annoyed the trailer contained the part where Missy tells the Doctor they need to sacrifice the person that made the deal. It might have helped the flatness of the second half if that had at least been a surprise. They already had enough trailer bait with the images of the world ruled by monks, the fake

The fake regeneration was particularly gratuitous as they already made it clear he hasn't told Bill about regeneration anyway. What would faking it accomplish?

My biggest disappointment with the episode was getting so little of her this week.

Part of what made Extremis work well is that it wasn't a case of just being a simulation to make it mean nothing. It was a simulation that ultimately was a warning of an impending invasion. Rather than making the episode meaningless, the ending raised the stakes.