
The Soviet Union is a corrupt, broken system that is mere years away from complete collapse. It's entirely believable that it has operatives engaging multi-year missions simply to save face over the missions being mistakenly undertaken in the first place. At this stage of the game the entire Soviet Union is a

Yes. There is no reason a case officer for spies in D.C. is going to be briefed on the field use of biological agent in Afghanistan. Even if she asked questions, should wouldn't get an answer on that. It has nothing to do with her job and would present a huge security risk.

That's debatable. It's possible she might, but an assassination is more effort than just sending him a job offer from some charitable group they have co-opted.

Sure. I think its mostly just inertia at this point. There aren't many people that are going to boycott your brand of detergent because you advertised on a show where someone cursed, but it takes time for the institutional inertia to change course.

In that, we are in agreement. I spend a lot more time paying attention to legislation and actions than I do to political speeches, which usually mean close to nothing.

Hopefully guys like Rabin using the Patreon model will have some success. We can all throw a buck or two to people we like on the Internet, and they can afford to eat and write good stuff for us without worrying about the click value of ever single thing they post.

It's kind of like the second episode of Black MIrror where railing against the system just becomes part of the business model.

I've always found smug vindication to be its own reward.

Fine. Lets all just start making up shit to be scared about all the time. We can all be Fox News.

It depends on the advertisers you are going after. Some will care some won't.

It didn't go to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court refused to hear the case because they didn't think it was even worth considering as obscene. Dude. I just linked to an article that said that very thing.

It doesn't mean you can take that statement and turn it into the headline "The FCC is going after Stephen Colbert". That's at Fox News levels of deception.

But it didn't result in fines.

Exactly. The FCC has no control over basic cable stations at all, but they still bleep things purely to make advertisers happy. You have to go to premium cable and streaming services to get away from censorship.

Exactly. If Obama had the good sense to fire him years ago, we might all be a lot better off.

I'm sure he will get plenty of speaking engagements that will more than compensate him for his service during the election.

Which comes as no surprise, as the Pai and the FCC never actually said they were. It was just something stated in the AV Club headline that was nowhere in the article. All Pai said on the matter when asked was, “We are going to take the facts that we find and we are going to apply the law as it’s been set out by the

I wouldn't put anything past him, really. If he were behind it though, I doubt he would order the servers crashed. It would be so much easier just have a server set-up insufficient to handle the situation and just wait.

Subtracts one iron rations from Huell's character sheet.

Chuck should have known better than to pick a venue with loose rules for his final battle with Jimmy.