
Operation Hell on Earth has been initiated.

Censorship is a moral position for them, and moral positions take a backseat to being friendly with entertainment conglomerates.

Maybe she is one of those entertainers who doesn't want to do anything but get up and do their act night after night. She seems the type, which makes this all the sadder.

It's also got a lot of people opposed to the idea as well. It would be a long, brutal, damaging war inside the Republican Party to get that passed in Congress, and it would almost be guaranteed that courts would then kill it dead.

The only reason they have been able to police broadcast TV and radio is because the airwaves are a limited commodity. There are only a limited number of bands, and those are publicly-owned property the FCC issues licenses to use. By attaching rules to the licenses, the government was able to find a way of getting

Even if the networks have turned off their antennas to save power, they are still licensing with the FCC so that means they have to meet their standards.

I'll allow it.

Took me a few minutes to really register it myself.

She's on cable. The FCC has no jurisdiction over her show.

If they were still interested in net neutrality, I would have something good to day about them, but instead, I am just going to upvote your comment.

You know, looking at what Pai said, I think the idea that the FCC is going after Colbert and not CBS is something the AV Club made up to have a catchier headline.

He should have gone to NBC. They have a cock as their network logo.

That's cable TV. They don't have an oversight by the FCC. Broadcast airwaves are actually public property that is licensed out to to channels from the government. That is why they can set conditions on content.

Whether this is a justified action by the obscenity standards set by the FCC or an unfair, politically-motivated attack, your opinion on Pai remains true.

That will probably be the actual defense in court. When Fox got hit by the FCC ten years, they got out of their fines by pointing out Bush and Cheney's habit of blasting out words like "fuck" and "asshole" while standing next to hot mics. They said that anything the president did was clearly within community

Sure. It's not so much Halop's fault as the writers acting as nothing had changed in the cast and still writing for Diamond.

It's going to get really bad when Michael McKean gets his spinoff in the Gilliganverse.

Sharks aren't poisonous though. Just swim back to shore with your remaining limbs and you're right.

I think it's on Hulu. I'd consider this a show worth owning on DVD or Blu Ray if that doesn't work.

"Don't Even Trip Road Trip" is incredibly lazy to promote a show with this much imagination.