
"Child endangerment is fine" is basically the show's central message.

Either I have forgotten that one completely, or it is so heavy on the Cheers cast that my brain has misfiled it as an actual Cheers episode.

I think so. He basically said all the same stuff when announced the new Twin Peaks. He doesn't think that the movie business has a place for him anymore, so he decided to move back to television, where he could do what he wants.

I think he covered that when he said, "…the things that were doing well at the box office weren’t the things that I would want to do."

The Woody one kind of worked, but only because they leaned into the fact that these two hanging out together was an awkward and forced thing.

Sure, but it's like a melanoma. Will and Grace was like a tumor deep in your brain.

It was the '90s. We were still in that stage where amateurs had their hands on desktop publishing software for the first time and didn't know what to do with it. As someone that studied layout and design in the late '80s, it was a painful period in my life.

Streaming platforms can package them with the original show, so even if it isn't great, the attention will still encourage people to binge the old series. People didn't seem thrilled about the new Gilmore Girls, but I am sure there were a ton of people that powered through all the original seasons on Netflix in

On hearing about this, I momentarily thought, Mullally can be pretty good. Maybe I should check this out. Then I saw the picture of the cast, and my memories of the show came back. I think I will have to pass unless I hear really good things from people I trust.

DIane's play on Frasier was the perfect cap on Cheers.

It's worth remembering that it took them awhile to hit on making Rebecca a trainwreck. At first, they went with Rebecca as uptight manager to Sam's playful prankster, and that fell flat. Then they steered into making her uptight persona a facade that collapsed, and we got a Rebecca that better suited the show. She

Age aside, going with someone different was a good idea. Florence Halop always came off as a pale imitation of Selma DIamond.

It's like the grudge match between Leno and Letterman to see who would quit first.

It's possible that Elizabeth was genuinely concerned about him, but also had to do calculation that this was a good move to keep him stable as an agent before acting on her concern.

What's odd is that nobody has ever even asked how the Internet works.

Hey! Pennywise gave sound advice. Everything really does float down here!

Yes. On a historical scale, the Trumps are fucking amateurs. Promoting your book or your golf club is certainly corrupt, but it is such petty, small potatoes thinking. Bush and Cheney made billions of dollars in cash disappear during the Iraq war. That's how you run a kleptocracy.

It is nice looking, but In an age of so many original board games it is a shame it is just Clue with a fancy theme.

It also gives them the chance to leave in the message the Martians are basically just doing to Britain what Britain had been doing to other countries, which tends to get forgotten in adaptations. It's not even subtext. The first person narrator just lays it out.

I don't know if they really did need to think that through in that way. Seems a bit presumptuous to say that all countries should write their TV shows with consideration of how Americans will interpret it. Abortion just isn't an issue in the UK.