You can just go to your account and delete the video from your history if you’re getting too many weird recommendations
As a lv29 Software Developer, I can appreciate that
Has it been long enough that we can redefine it without triggering the facepalms that dumb people have ingrained into the term? Maybe associating the term with negative consequences is exactly what it needs too....
Part of the problem is that everyone shares the same story, so it sounds like a lot more people are doing the same dumb thing. Over a dozen haters have talked about how so many people have fallen off cliffs, and you know what? It’s the same story retold to them over and over again, so they’ve registered it as…
Or they could enforce that they leave their personal phones in their lockers/offices.
Total dumpster fire
Dunno if it’s better per se. It just uses the averaged multiplier to give you the midpoint you would get. Granted, it’d be nice to know if you’re above average or not.
Once, when I went to buy a Dungeon Master’s Guide at a hobby shop, the cashier quizzed me on D&D 3.5’s grapple rules before selling me the book. That guy sucked.
Yeah, like if they’re black, right?
Whatever floats your boat, i guess...
That priviledge was left to only joggers and hikers before Go
Tick uses Dig!
Tick burrowed its way under the skin!
BigJoe uses Scratch!
Tick avoided the attack!
Oh, you mean Poison Sting?
Congratulations! You’ve caught Lyme Disease!
It’s a feature
It’s 2016, damn it. Server load is what a beta is supposed to accomplish. I don’t know if they did a beta or not, but they should’ve considered how awesome their game was going to sound to everyone and prepared appropriately. Granted, it’s hard to estimate player density, even with Ingress as a baseline. But…
So comments are strictly supposed to apply only to the original topic and can’t deviate from the intended point? Are random facts that don’t tie specifically into a topic not allowed? Does Eric Jou have to comment specifically within the context that you would like him to use? You must be fun at parties.