
I’ve tried it with apple juice and mango juice, but I prefer to just have it on the rocks. The flavor on its own is just so good.

Ha! Silly Potterhead.

I can’t star this because I don’t “like” it. But I am sending you all of the good and positive energy. Thinking of you and wishing you strength and healing.

Because you should also get to see his handsome face....

In honor of rescue dogs- this guy. In a shelter 7 months ago. Now revered as a minor diety. (He’s wearing my husband’s socks)

What are you Jezzies drinking this evening? I’ve got a bottle of Zubrovka. It’s a Polish vodka made with bison grass, it’s delicious, and I’m being a total lush. I’m feeling crummy- leg pain from the clot, right ass pain from the clot, and on and off coughing and sore throat stuff. And to top it off, Figaro bit me

My guess on what really went down:

Hahahahaha, oh Brayden, darling, did you read that delightful new Bruce Williams column in the daily print out of the internet that one of our several butlers brought us this morning?

Note: I am in no way defending either the letter writer or the responder from Uexpress. I think we can all agree they are both shitty people.

i hope he steps on a lego

They can’t be terrorists, they’re white! They have a mental illness!

I grew up there. I sang choir on that campus. I’m so fucking sad and angry. People are already arguing that this is what you get on a gun free campus. I hate this fucking country.

If this is true, I will be the least surprised I have ever been in my life. Reading through that thread was surreal. It’s just a circle jerk of misdirected rage and childish entitlement mixed with lots of hurt male fee fees.

Ah yes 4Chan users, the real victims!

kind of a #notallmen argument you’ve got there.

Young, sexually frustrated white men are the real terrorists in this country. fuck man...

You didn’t have room for it? WHAT?! Either A) Please be granted infinity room to post because these legit make my month better or B) can you start doing two again? Even if the second half was just a photo and quick thoughts or something? You can have all of my love as payment. Pleeeease.

Well pretty soon they’ll find out his phone wasn’t even connected.

I thought Lloyd Braun was strictly chewing gum and computer sales?

Clinique High Impact Waterproof. Needs a fuckin band saw to get it off your eyes, but it managed every day at the beach on a Keys vacation, in salt water, in the water, snorkeling, with a mask, you get the idea. Loses points for not having the little restrictor that wipes off the mascara inside the neck of the tube,