
they're also shipping limited 1998 editions of glass

Can you imagine the how hilariously terrifying this would be hitting that low clearance bridge?

My wife has the Star Wars ones (then again she also is the biggest SW fan I know and her plate is L8YV8R).

It shames me to admit this but I already knew that. I was being facetious.

My sister in law has these. Yes, they are obnoxious. No stickers on my car ever. When I told my wife that this is how the conversation went:

Hands down.


I understand he's a bit of a dick, but no need for obscenities, Bats.

If I'd been at this party, I would have stood in line for the bathroom and yelled "I find this line offensive! This is an offensive line!" Then I would laugh hysterically.

Viscous compared to what? Molasses? Motor oil? Don't leave me hangin'.

Your comment about the slow rate of innovation slightly irks (ew) me. With current technology, what is the expectation when new phones are released? I think with the release of the original iPhone, Galaxy S, public app store creation, great consistent camera phones, high def displays, etc. Apple and others were able

As a Bucs fan, I still do not remotely understand the thought process in hiring a mediocre college head coach no one had ever heard of to coach this team. Schiano is absolute fucking garbage.

I think the 5S will be a nice replacement for my 4s. Looking forward to getting one.

Samsung Group (1938-2013)

In America the sport is named after the ball that was a foot long. A ball designed for the precision the game is known for. I understand why Europe uses the term football but why do other countries call it football/futball when that is not their word for foot or ball? Football is American because of the standard

Vodka_Samm might not be the hero America needs, but she's damn sure the one drunken college students want right now.

I saw these guys on their first concert in Canada. It was pretty funny because they thought they'd be playing to a dozen people at most and the place was to capacity. They were so pumped to have a huge turnout. Great concert.

Is there a non-perverted way to describe my love for Jon Miller's voice? Help?

I see this statement everywhere but the game only sold 200,000 copies at $20 so I don't really believe most people have played it.

Anything involving the letters ZL1: