
He said after November.

How can this be anyone other than Sepp Blatter? Shit, the award should be named the "Sepp Blatter Award for Sleaziest International Sports Official."

IMHO, as long as FIFA is on the ballot, the only other possible contestant is missing from your list. I’m talking, of course, about the International Olympic Committee.

All the dinosaurs died in the Flood, duh. Except for the ones Noah rescued. Who all, uh, died for some other reasons. You just gotta have faith! (Specifically, faith in the line of shit I’m feeding you, not faith in your own eyes or faculties).

If that dinosaur was on the ark, why did it die out in the flood?

Answers in Genesis does not technically believe that dinosaurs were wiped out by the flood. They, and many other creationists assert that the last remaining dinosaurs are alive and well, awaiting discovery in Africa, South America, Cambodia, and Papua New Guinea (actual honest to goodness non-avian Dinosaurs, not

Using modern technology and building materials, and STILL not big enough to fit two of everything (Not to mention two of every dinosaur like in the picture).

Shut it down folks.

Can’t have those leagues full of brown people enjoying the free market, now. They can make their money as long as the rich white people who own-I mean employ-them retain control.


I HATE the term tots. If it's not referring to taters, I don't want to hear it

Beating on Nazis for holding a public show of force.. Because that’s how you explain to fascists that they should stay in and give each other tattoos, instead of strutting around intimidating decent folk.

and, to be frank, the thing they don’t like is quite often just Black people speaking their minds.

Disagree. Her short ‘do is badass and beautiful.

On the plus side, this will mark the first time a shitshow features actual shit.

This is legitimately one of the worst articles Deadspin has ever published.

This article is bad, the author is worse, and Lil B the Based God can go fuck himself.

Deadspin: Where we mock hot takes... until we have SCORCHING takes of our own.

Fuck Billy Haisley.