B. Acre

I've told this story here before, but I remember watching the X-Files premiere after Brisco County Jr. and thinking "This is such trash—I wish they just showed another BCJ." Then BCJ got cancelled and X-Files went on to be a cultural juggernaut. Life is not fair.

JD finally makes that death metal album he's been working on lo these many years.

A wizard did it. Or Trystane was somehow back in Dorne (which I think is the official explanation) having been sent back by Jaime Lannister (????) because he feared that Cersei would kill him and start a war. And he's painting funeral eye stones because uhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm usually on the side of prescriptive rather than descriptive usage, but this is not a winning fight, nor one worth fighting. Usage of the plural as a singular neuter pronoun is attested to going back as far as anything recognizable as English, and it provides an easy and organic way to address concerns about

I think the play is move quickly between the two of them, forcing Obara to turn to face him and likely fouling up her spear on some of the furniture. Either way, follow by lunging quickly at Obara and hoping to dodge the spear entirely or suffer only a flesh wound. Once inside the spear tip, repeatedly stab Obara,

It turns out a lot of our pickiness about what weapons are called stems from 19th century attempts to impose some kind of order on the unruly profusion of stabby, cleavey, bludgeony things that their recent and not-so-recent ancestors had used to kill each other. Most swords were just called "swords" or maybe "arming

If he had been even a passable swordsman, he had an excellent chance of survival. The spear was a problem, but I'd still give the edge to the man with a mid-length stabbing sword in close quarters like that, and Nymeria may as well have been unarmed with an 8 foot bullwhip against a sword, let alone an 8 foot

I could go for some capon. Could anyone else go for capon? Honeyed capon, maybe?

I mean, Spain is technically Mediterranean, and Dorne is a stand-in for Spain/Portugal. Hercules/Xena is supposed to be set in Greece. Makes sense they'd have similar vibes.

When does he ever get sacked in the book? If I remember right, he has one scene where he's an actor (as opposed to passive observer of Prince Doran) and he absolutely stomps Arys Oakheart, member of the Kingsguard. I'd say that we're supposed to think he's one of the most effective one-on-one or one-on-few

That's funny, I increasingly see it not going to 6 books.

Showing peasants is booooring

It doesn't really cut both ways, because the Prince can kill anyone who undermines the established order—even kin, if given a good enough reason. Ellaria's insubordination in the show would surely be ample reason. I bet you could get a Septon and a council of nobles and everything to bless and sanction to execution

How does it feel not to get top comment even when you give AV Club commenters a chance to upvote "not reading the review"?

She sees the Khalasar when she's on Drogon, but she's captured later, right? Drogon refuses to move from where he's sleeping—just like in the show—and then sets off to get back to Meereen, at which point she is captured.

I think there are some scenes where Jamie talks about standing outside their door while Robert brutalized her the same way that he stood outside of Aerys's door when he raped his wife.

Notably when they use film techniques to communicate story points, it works better than trying to recreate narrative descriptions. The whole "what's stronger: five or one" would work okay on the page, but it's great on film where you can see the first forming. At the same time, book stuff that works well—motivations

Well, really all he had set up was a contingent disputed claim on the throne if Tommen died without an heir. Only the Dornish would recognize descent through Myrcella, because they have a tradition of female sovereigns, while the rest of the Seven Kingdoms would likely look to Kevan or Kevan's offspring, unless they

Does ADWD end with Dany being found with Drogon? I thought she wanders by a stream for days and days before the Khalasar finds her?