B. Acre

The building crew feels like a bad knock-off of the neighbors from Garth Ennis's first Punisher run. Except that there, the characters were basically all somewhere on the comic spectrum, which made it easier for them to co-exist, and there were at least three of them, which is the minimum number you need for it to

There's a line in the episode where he notes that his power is now over 24 hours. Not sure when he re-upped, but they did address the timing in the show.

I just don't get this. Daredevil has fantastic choreography, while Jessica Jones is almost distractingly uninterested in Jones' super strength or fighting ability in general. Aside from picking up the rear wheels of Spheeris's car in the first episode, I can't think of almost anything Jones has done that couldn't be

Yeah, so accepting that no joke is going to be 100% successful, if your joke works for 99% of your audience and one person in one hundred is too offended on behalf of groups they often don't even belong to, then you can chalk that joke in the "wins" column and politely invite the 1% to sit down and calm themselves.

70mm is a 60mm picture with 10mm for sound. No good reason they didn't pick 100mm, as far as I know, though I'll be there's some (now-surmountable) engineering reason that it wasn't done a long time ago.

Even if humanity doesn't wipe itself out, by the time the sun starts expanding our descendants will likely be unrecognizable due to evolution. We are a flowing stream pretending it is bedrock. Well, a flowing stream with some turds in it that call "mid or feed" every goddamn game and then do both. Fuck.

That's an optimistic assessment. I mean, the sun is going to expand and sear the life off the planet, which won't really matter to us since the odds that anything even resembling humanity is still around at that point is zero anyway. Sure, there's space travel, but everything's really far apart, and the best science

Ironically, this is basically the same impulse in the other direction. Losers! Why would they play something ONLY A LITTLE? Don't they know that the only way to GET GUD is to STUDY PRO STREAMS and PLAY ALL DAY?

I have a bunch of Steam games that have hundreds more hours on them than I've actually played because I just leave them open and minimized for days at a time so that I don't have to wait through loading (and especially don't have to wait through unskippable logo screens) every time I want to play.

This country will be overrun again by the murderous Mohawk and Pequot if we do not right the ship of state and cleave to the Puritan mores of our forebears. Praising the Lord on Sunday morning was sufficient rest in time of yore and it is sufficient rest today!

Leisure activity: is it a waste of time?

In real life I know a number who are mostly concerned about the drug war and the carceral state. They're okay, although they tend to have pretty bad opinions on things like monetary and fiscal policy because they assume that their fellow travelers who care more about that side of things are probably right because

Unlikely: the man is an engineer, after all. I'm sure he's a pillar of rationality.

If he did it to even one, he'd be 100% human garbage. So what does that make him? 4,300% garbage on the inside?

It's almost as though record labels add nothing of value and changing technology has made their attempts to extract rent through increasingly abusive state-sanctioned monopolies increasingly Sisyphean. I'm sure we'll all be incredibly sad when the last record label shuts its doors and people stop making music. Or, I

Streaming is just music radio with fewer ads and a younger audience.

So you're extrapolating from San Francisco, the most competitive or second most competitive rental market in the entire country, to the entire country and assuming that the supply/demand situation is similar? This does not seem like a good assumption to me.

So good. I could, and did, spend probably hundreds of hours in RRT3 perfecting each rail system. Past a certain point I didn't even care about profitability—I was out to connect every podunk backwater in the Midwest or Africa or the Ottoman Empire and purchase every industry, mine, farm and hotel, trusting that the

I feel like Hateful 8 is Tarantino's gift to all his Jewish fans who are going to gorge themselves on Chinese food and then cackle with glee at the Tarantinoan mayhem on screen.

Wait, is this a safe space? Can we all talk about how amazing Railroad Tycoon III was here? And pretend that Sid Meier's RAILROADS! didn't happen?