
It’s the Amp-Hours you gotta watch. The 5.0 AH Li-Ion dewalt batteries are amazing. Too heavy for my impact, but in everything else it’s just amazing.

I’m hoping she’s not his daughter, but if she is, he’s not flipping out because he didn’t just stumble on her. He was there keeping an eye on her. No way the falcon just HAPPENS to end up where she lives.

I’ve got one that will bring a lot of baggage, conversation, and heated debate. Oh, and fun. And hood slides. Must have doors welded shut. Or at least pretend.

I don’t really care about credit for suggestions (we posted at the same time, anyway), but it does make me feel not part of the conversation. How do I get ungrey’d for the next one?

The Levi’s edition Gremlin is kinda fun.


There are other obvious advantages to this, too. Especially in the camping/overlanding crowd.

Not the best, but still my favorite.

Fortunately, bringing your toddler to the local mission on Christmas day and having her bring dessert cookies to your less fortunate neighbors doesn’t cost anything.

I can’t figure this out, either. Mk4 GTI, Mk4 Beetle TDI, Mk4 Passat TDI, Mk4 Jetta Wagon TDI. I think I suffer from this “the devil you know” disease.

I bought it back from the insurance company and resold it to a guy who turned it into a pickup. So a bit of a silver lining there, I guess.

It was. I’m still burning it. It was on a slight hill that became super saturated from a week of rain, and down it came. I took down like 3 trees after that one fell.. another couple of feet and that would have taken out 2 more cars. As it is, it took out the garage doors instead.

Yep. Still didn’t get what it was worth, though. Insurance used non-TDI’s as comparisons.

Mk4 Jetta Wagon TDI. Auto trans died 2 days after I bought it. Craigslist of course. Put a 6-speed in it and it’s good to go, now.

This, if done well, works well sometimes. I bought a passat wagon this way. A guy listed it for 2.5k more than I knew he’d get for it, so I went and saw him, gave him a bunch of information about his car, and told him something like: “I hope you can get that much for it, but if you can’t, here’s what I’ll give you. I

Related Question: I’m looking for something like this for my daughter that’s not crap and works in my not-perfectly-level yard.

EcoBoost brings 2 separate but equally awesome thoughts to mind:

I wonder how many model years back the slump will go.. most people buying the older ones know exactly what they are doing, I suspect. So probably just newer ones.

I said there’s no obvious good fix. There is a bad one. It’s clear that, since they cheated, Volkswagen has a mode within the electronics of the vehicle that’ll make the engines in roughly 500,000 cars they sold run cleaner. It seems likely this fix will make the cars slower and less efficient.

Jeep is going to great lengths to decrease the straight corners and flat front and windshield of the wrangler going forward to improve efficiency and, I assume, pedestrian safety. So, no, I don’t think this awesome look will ever see the light of a showroom floor.