
If they want to use the new F150 as inspiration, please go right ahead. High strength steel frame, aluminum body, highly capable in its class. No compromise in what that vehicle is; a truck.

I'll refute the "good-for-local" argument somewhat, from my perspective, by telling a story that every town of a certain size has.

Can the cargo area bottom be stripped for more headroom for, say, a large dog?

Leasing an electric car is a smart option. The battery tech is getting better and cheaper too fast to make owning it the best bet in all situations.

They were built for mixed duty. I use mine to haul the family to dinner on Friday night, and to haul the trailer to the dump on Saturday morning. Then I clean her up nice for a night on the town and have the valet park it like it's priceless, because it is to me.

You have to know what to do and when. I swapped the craptastic automatic 01M transaxle from my 1.9L Jetta Wagon TDI w/ the 02M 6-speed, commonly found stateside on the R32. This one came from Europe, where it came off a diesel Golf, so it has really high gears. It's definitely worth more now. Probably not as much

Are you saying you don't get the author's joke? Or my lackadaisical continuance of it?

I remember playing the first Call of Duty with such clarity. I remember the first time I heard the empty-clip *spang!* of the 1903 Springfield. I remember having a small amount of fear about walking around blind corners or anywhere near a machine gun nest because a couple of rounds in me and I'm dead. I cared about

It is! It's a great show, isn't it? I live quite close.

Thanks; it still needs a ton of work, of course. Had a kid, so time to wrench has dropped pretty low, but I hope to get her involved in it with me someday. :)

It is :)

Hey, another local! Next time you go, if you see a yellow (for now) Jeep Pickup, come say hi!

Agree 100%! If you see a Yellow (for now) Jeep Pickup, come say hi!

Yeah, so rare! I can't believe how fortunate I was at my local Cars and Coffee to spot what must be every GT-R in the world.

Misunderstood? The Central Security Service and US Cyber Command.

What's w/ the SUV pulling forward at :27? Part of the stunt I guess?

A friend of mine, Mr. Smith for simplicity, got an Infiniti. A day or two later, I get a phone call:

Close, but CP. $4500 and I'd do it. 1.9L ALH out of a mk4 and I'd be excited and all over it. But with this motor at this price.. CP.

What constitutes the beliefs of the Christian faith is not as rigid as it might seem. Over the 2 millenia of the church, it has changed to fit a lot of cultural shifts. It could certainly (not to say easily) do the same for this case.

I'm jealous of all you people in and around Leavenworth. Beautiful area.