
During the raid, police also discovered that Martin had already begun defrauding Pitchford back in 2012, impersonating Pitchford in a promotional campaign for Aliens: Colonial Marines, a game that the actual Pitchford has never heard of and would never have released.

Raucous? Ruckus.

I’m not saying anything about James Woods this or that. I’m guessing that 1) the thing you want to call liberalism’ isn’t actual liberalism, and 2) liberalism has not actually become its opposite. My guess is that you just want to use ‘liberal’ as a sloppy term to broadly capture the less sophisticated voices in the mo

Sadly, getting you GOT wouldn’t even stir any vestigial pride in me.

Why is it that almost inevitably when somebody says “I’m appalled at what ideology X has become; it’s turned into its total opposite!” it turns out that they are willfully misrepresenting what X is today, and they never knew what X was in the first place?

Ah, the greatest vestige of pride in one’s self - “at least I’m approved on *Kinja.*”

What a weird guess.

It works like vaccines, right?

Guess it didn’t know the right answer.

How many young Aboriginal players would want to go now to the Penguin Football Club”... can somebody bring me up to speed on why they picked such a less-than-impressive bird in the 1890s? Wikipedia is insufficient for my needs.

Meh. The invisible wonder woman plane on the poster is at least a little interesting.

Don’t worry, just stay strong and remember: the rest of us will never, ever see a difference between you and the other fans.

You’re old if you still think streaming is an easy, exciting and viable way to start making a buck. The market has settled down and Youtube / twitch aren’t too interested in propping you up if you’re not Ninja.

This is heart-breakingly familiar. I have almost exactly the same difficulty trying to balance my binge drinking and my pregnancy.

This fiction that has always been a fascist power trip is actually a fascist power trip! LOOK AT MY DISCOVERY

This seems more like a poll of “Vote for people you’ve had twitter beef with” than anything else.

...Sonic was eliminated in the first round. This is some Bull Shit right here. 

Oh Americans. As long as you stand stalwart, nobody will get away with messing with millionaire athletes! Half of you hate social justice, and the other half thinks social justice is all about finding the right ultra-rich celebrity to cheer for. Gross.

That does not happen daily.” Well of course not. 987 fatal shootings by cops in 2017. That’s more than daily.