
I went to college with Lupita. She was a couple of years ahead of me, but we shared a couple of seminars. LET ME JUST SAY (!!!) that she is brilliant and (even) more of a feminist/super leftist than she shows in the limelight. Seriously, Jezzies: be a fan.

Speaking of my-best-friend-tv, does anyone else get that message from Netflix where it stops what's playing and asks if you still want to keep watching and then you grumble out loud "DON'T JUDGE ME, NETFLIX" as you choose "keep watching"?

Oh, this dude is positively fawning over her...not that I blame him. "OH I BET YOU'D LOOK GOOD IN ANYTHING...hehehe... *awkward silence*"

This pleases me.

Ugh Lena Dunham i hate that Jezebel loves her, her racist article about visiting japan made me hate her, plus the whole Girls thing and dressing like a "fundamentalist Muslim" (her words not mine) with a shawl on her head.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: The mom did it.

Hooray for Amy Poehler and Tatiana Maslany getting some love - both richly deserved!

In fiction, men are never more fertile than before they're murdered.

A big, fat "meh".

Except she DOESN'T ever say that (unlike Miley). She just does whatever the hell she wants and never makes excuses for it, whether people like it or not.

And you know this because....?

So you're basically saying Rihanna doesn't have a mind of her own and she feels as though she has no choice but to behave the way she does.

Because Rihanna of ALL PEOPLE is the example you use of a woman doing things solely for male pleasure. Rihanna who gives no fucks. Okay.

The SNL commercials are always so awful. Just nails on a chalkboard terrible. And yet I watch them knowing full well what I'm gonna get. I guess it's on me, then.

He's such perfection I can barely deal with it.

The more Tatianas Maslanys, the better. She's incredible hot (and very talented too).

Hellmouth. Obviously.

She was great on "Parks & Recreation" recently too. Strange to see her as a happy, cool, funny character instead of a dour one (and two and three and four...) stuck in a horribly fucked up deadly drama situation.