The Babaduke

The Lethal Weapon moves aren’t all that great anyway, but they’d be a lot better if the scores weren’t such crap.

If I managed to make this work, it’s only due to happenstance and comments such as yours, and not the provided instructions.

I suppose his use of "impressive" is up for interpretation. My 12 pound cat will sometimes take a dump that'll make my entire apartment reek. It's impressive in a way, but it's certainly not laudable.

Whoa! I installed the chrome for Opera thing and then installed your tool and it worked like a charm! Are you a wizard? GREAT JOB!

Apparently they'll post it after the switch. That's not how I'd handle it.

Any chance of something similar for Opera?

Words to live by.

I suffer from crippling pacifism, but when it comes white supremacists, I am firmly pro-punch.

Elmore Leonard sure thought so. Aside from the fact that they got the hat wrong, apparently Leonard loved it.

If there's one thing I demand from David Lynch, it's strict adherence to realism.

That doesn't give them very many episodes for us to dig into the mystery of how many RR franchises are earning a profit, and whether the franchises are using organic, local ingredients. I need closure on that.


I responded to your points. That is how discussion is supposed to work.

"A person who has a tough time avoiding comments on the internet for two days is an addict with serious problems."

I have a couple of pairs of Etymotic earbuds. They come with a voucher to have custom molded inserts made, they cost about $60 each but are 100% worth it. You just go to an audiologist, they shove some garbage in your ears and take a mold of them, send it off to some factory, and in a few days you'll get some

In what way?

I think the person so worked up that they might accidentally learn a detail of a show about camping and tits that they refuse to read any comments for two days is in no place to give anyone advice on how to live a better life.

I'm more shocked to find out Radio Shack still exists than I am that antennas are being rediscovered.

I live in the middle of Seattle. The Korean channel comes in great, everything else is spotty.

INXS Suicide Blonde.